Saturday, November 29, 2008

That 5K is looming large...

I'm signed up to do the YMCA's Mistletoe Run next weekend, so I thought I should hit the road to get ready. I haven't done a lot of running on the roads lately, and I have especially neglected working on hills. This could come back to bite me next weekend, as the Mistletoe includes one long hill section that's probably close to a mile.

It took me a while to get myself psyched up to run because of the weather. It was in the upper 30s, a little breezy, and the sky was gray and overcast. I didn't check the temp before I went out the first time, and I got about 50 meters down the road before I decided that my shorts just weren't going to cut it. Back into the house for my running pants and a hat. At least I wasn't the only nut out today - I passed by at least half a dozen other runners during my route. We all exchanged waves and that slightly crazed grin that runners share with each other. You know, the one says "Yay, I'm not the only lunatic in the area!" Ah, the bonds of insanity...

Warmup: Not enough. 3 rounds of 10 squats, 10 bridges, 10 pushups, 10 situps, 10 walking lunges. ~400m jog

WOD: Running - 4 rounds of 5:00 on/2:00 off
Distance covered: ~2.7 miles

Thoughts: Not nearly enough warmup, especially given the weather. I didn't hit any kind of stride until the end of the second round, and by the fourth round I was gassed from fighting my too-tight hamstrings. Blah.

Cash-out: 5K bike ride following Number One Son on his afternoon run. He ran it in 22 minutes and was barely winded.

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