Friday, November 21, 2008

"Hell-en" Day

I've been pumping myself up for this WOD for the last couple of days. I hadn't done it since August, and thought I was ready for a pretty decent improvement. I was even more psyched when I went to the Y a few days ago and discovered that they had re-mounted the heavy bag in the back corner of the small track. I had been using the bag's mounting bar to do pullups on WODs that include running and pullups. That way I don't have to use the treadmills in the fitness center.

I should have known better than to make such plans. I like to use the back corner of the track for WODs primarily because there is rarely anyone back there. So...wouldn't you know it? I was about halfway through my warmup when a man and his young son came up to my little corner and started playing with the heavy bag. The kid stayed for a few minutes, then Dad put on the gloves and started a workout with the bag. Damn! No one ever goes up to that corner of the gym until the one day I really want to use it. So I packed my stuff and went to the fitness room, resigning myself to doing Helen on a treadmill.

Warmup: 3 rounds of 200m jog, 10 squats, 10 situps, 10 supermans, 10 pushups

WOD: "Helen"
3 round for time of:

400m run (1:55/1:55/2:00)
21 DB swings (25#)
12 pullups

Time: 13:37

Last Helen (23 Aug 08) was 15:34

Thoughts: Almost a 2:00 improvement from last time - not bad! Especially considering that I did the last Helen on the track, and did not have to wait for the damn treadmill to get up to speed (the Y will not allow me to leave the treadmill running). Runs were exactly that - runs. I did not start counting the distance until I had the treadmill up the speed I wanted. DB swings felt good. Pullups...meh. Couldn't get more than 5 in a row during the first round. After the first round, I could get a couple of kips, but most of them had a toe-push assist.

I'm going to continue to do Helen with 25# until I can get it to the Level II benchmark time (11:30). Then I'll switch to the big-girl DB of 35#.

Cash out:

5 x Hollow holds (holy shit these are hard when you get your feet down to 5 inches off the floor). Longest hold I managed was :15

5 x bridges on the ab ball

5 x ab ball rolls, finish in modified handstand hold

15 x pushups on inverted Bosu disk


Rebecca said...

Congrats on your 2 minute gain! See, even with a crazy erratic schedule you're making gains in strength and speed!

Keep up the good work, and don't worry so about 'scheduling' ;-)

Jenn said...

Thanks, Rebecca. You're right - I should "just do it" and not obsess over whether I have the "right" program.