Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thrusters, HPCs and SDHPs

Buy-in: 2 rounds CFWU
500m row - 2:16

WOD: AMRAP 20 minutes:
5 thrusters
7 hang power cleans
10 sumo deadlift high pulls

I was very leery of doing this WOD, as I injured my elbow the last time I did it. So instead of doing it AMRAP in 20 minutes, I did it this way:

5-7-10-7-5 (not timed)
Hang power cleans
Sumo deadlift high pulls

The first 5-7-10 sets were done with 45#, going up to 55# for the second set of 7 and up to 65# for the second set of 5. My elbow was complaining on most of the SDHPs, so I skipped them at 65#. Need to go back and look at technique for SDHPs, because they really bother my elbow.

Cash out: Max rep pushups (30)
3 x hollow holds (:30/:27/:32)
3 x handstand holds

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Starting Triathlon Prep

Since I've now committed myself to doing the Ramblin' Rose, I figured I need to get out on my bike a little more. Fortunately I can combine this with my commitment to help Hubby get back in shape, as riding is something that he can do with me (even if he can't push me very hard on the uphills!)

Bike ride 5.6 miles
Time - 28:53

Had to stop several times to adjust Hubby's bike. The gears slip and he has to hold the shifter in place when he is trying to ride in the lower gears.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

City Meet Results = Good Stuff

City Meet 2009 went very well, despite being cut short by a massive thunderstorm. I exceeded all of my goals for my races, and I am attributing most of that to the work I've done outside the pool, especially the strength training. I felt so much stronger in the water this year than I did last year, even though I did less training in the pool for this year's meet.


50 yard freestyle - 27.46 (12th) Goal was sub-28
50 yard breaststroke - 34.77 (3rd) Goal was sub-36
100 yard IM - 1:12.98 (15th) Goal was 1:15

I also swam the breaststroke leg of our medley relay, which finished 3rd. My split for that was 34.56. We didn't get to swim the freestyle relay because of the thunderstorm.

Overall, a good day for both me and KAD. She dropped time in all of her events, and was the anchor on her medley relay. No pictures this year - I had my camera, but never took it out of the bag.

Took a couple of days off after the meet - gonna try to get started back today.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Physical Culture - check this out

I know several of you already follow Jason Struck's blog, River City Physical Culture, but I thought I would link to this post of his anyway. He talks about what the term "Physical Culture" means to him, and the role that Crossfit and its practitioners play in preserving that culture.

This is Physical Culture. This is what we should be sharing, enjoying and protecting. Because it's at the heart and soul of how we enjoy inhabiting our bodies.

A very thoughtful, insightful post. Read the whole thing here.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Unworthy revisited and training w/ KAD

Getting back into the swing of things after Hubby's visit this weekend. We went out and bought the bicycle we had promised KAD for her birthday back in December. We couldn't get it then because she was between sizes. She picked out a nice new mountain bike that was on sale at Sports Authority and declared herself ready to train for the Ramblin' Rose triathlon in August. After going for a couple of rides, I realized that we both have a long road ahead of us in terms of training for the bike ride.

Because the weather's been lousy, I've been looking for WODs to do at home, which generally means kettlebells, pushups, squats, situps, etc, etc. "Unworthy" is a WOD that I haven't done in a long time and have never done Rx'd, so I decided it was time to revisit it.

Monday, 15 June 09:

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 x OHS w/dowel (done in doorway to work technique)
15 x GHD situps
5 x bench dips

WOD: "Unworthy"

80 squats/40 KB swings/20 pushups
40 squats/20 KB swings/10 pushups
20 squats/10 KB swings/5 pushups
40 squats/20 KB swings/10 pushups
80 squats/40 KB swings/20 pushups

Time - 12:39

That's about 5:30 faster than last time, when I swapped the reps on KB swings and pushups. I'm still using a 25# KB, so it's still not quite Rx'd, but I'm very pleased with this one. The KB swings and pushups were unbroken until the last set, but the squats killed me. The last two sets were done 10 at a time.

Cash out: 30 x 4-count flutter kicks
Handstand practice

Tuesday, 16 June 09:

Buy-in: Bike ride to the Y with KAD, approx 1 mile

KAD is doing Crossfit this summer as her S & C program, prepping for the fall soccer season. I can't really do the workouts with her because she needs a lot of supervision to make sure she does the movements correctly. Her first WOD of the summer was the walking lunge/pullup/situp WOD from the main site a few days back. It started raining in the middle of her workout, so we headed home as soon as she finished. With no place to do pullups at the house, I just decided to do a very short homemade WOD.

WOD: 3 rounds
20 x goblet squats, 25#
30 x GHD situps
KB presses, 10 ea arm, 25#

Forgot to start my watch, so no time on this one.

Wednesday, 17 June 09:

Warmup - 500 easy, mixing strokes

8 x 50 kick w/fins, :30 RI, alternate free and fly

Main set:
4 x 100 @ :40 RI - IM, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle
6 x 50 @ :30 RI - 2 back, 2 breast, 2 free
8 x 25 @ :20 RI - 2 ea stroke

3 x 25 sprints from the block

Cool down - easy 100

Total - 2075

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I haven't quit...even if it seems like it.

I'm trying to get back to has posting on my blog. I haven't quit working out; on the contrary, working out has been crucial to maintaining my equilibrium these past couple of weeks.

Hubby has been involuntarily recalled to active duty. He hasn't worn a uniform for more than a dozen years, but for some unknown reason, the Army has decided that he needs to return to duty, be completely retrained in a new MOS and then sent to Iraq. He reported to Fort Jackson last weekend. He is the only officer in the group that is there involuntarily.

So, as you can imagine, there has been a bit of emotional upheaval in our house lately. Both of our children are old enough to understand the implications of him going to Iraq; old enough to understand what might possibly happen. As a result, blogging has been pretty low on my priority list for the last couple of weeks as I have helped my kids deal with their dad's departure.

As of Friday, Hubby has been placed on medical hold due to chronic recurring corneal erosion. He was deemed non-deployable once when still on active duty because of this condition, and as it still exists, he may be medically discharged before too long. In the meantime, we hope see him on the occasional weekend and wait for the decision.