Saturday, June 13, 2009

I haven't quit...even if it seems like it.

I'm trying to get back to has posting on my blog. I haven't quit working out; on the contrary, working out has been crucial to maintaining my equilibrium these past couple of weeks.

Hubby has been involuntarily recalled to active duty. He hasn't worn a uniform for more than a dozen years, but for some unknown reason, the Army has decided that he needs to return to duty, be completely retrained in a new MOS and then sent to Iraq. He reported to Fort Jackson last weekend. He is the only officer in the group that is there involuntarily.

So, as you can imagine, there has been a bit of emotional upheaval in our house lately. Both of our children are old enough to understand the implications of him going to Iraq; old enough to understand what might possibly happen. As a result, blogging has been pretty low on my priority list for the last couple of weeks as I have helped my kids deal with their dad's departure.

As of Friday, Hubby has been placed on medical hold due to chronic recurring corneal erosion. He was deemed non-deployable once when still on active duty because of this condition, and as it still exists, he may be medically discharged before too long. In the meantime, we hope see him on the occasional weekend and wait for the decision.


Rebecca said...

Oh wow, Jenn.

That's rough. My thoughts are with you and your kids and your husband. I hope that everything works itself out.

I can imagine that working out has been an important equilibrium helper in the last couple weeks.

Hang in there!

Nikki 2-K said...

Oh sweetie I am sorry to hear about what is going on... You are in my thoughts!!!