Sunday, January 16, 2011

5K the not-so-hard way

Buy-in: 2 rounds CFWU

WOD: 5K @ 4:00 on/2:00 off
Off times were walking

Route - Home to Glenhaven and back
Distance - 5K
Time - 31:49
Pace - 10:07

Not too bad considering I walked for 10 minutes. I think my runs were at a decent pace, though I have no idea how fast.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Stroke Day

Got in with the Masters again today, since it was Doug's day to coach and the kids were out of school. I ended up writing the workout, since Doug didn't really expect anyone to show up (schools were closed), but we had two others anyway.

Warm-up: 200 swim/100 kick/200 pull

8 x 50 kick/drill by 25 - no free

6 x 100 @ R :20 - no free unless you an IM

8 x 25 sprint on 1:00 - choice of stroke, very fast

Cool down - easy 100

Total - 1900

Monday, January 10, 2011

Water Ladder

In keeping with my resolution, I got in the water at Masters workout today, since only Pat and Stu were there. Stu is too fast for me to pace with, but Pat and I are a good match. He's better than me in the longer distances, but I can hang with him for 200s and shorter.

Warm-up: 300 swim/200 kick

8 x 50 pull @ R :15 - buoy/paddles

Ladder - rest :20 between steps. Maintain consistent pace
100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 300 - 200 - 100
Times - 1:32 - 3:05 - 4:35 - 6:10 - 4:33 - 3:06 - 1:28

Cool down - easy 100

Total - 2600

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Year's Swimming Resolution

My New Year's swimming resolution is to get in with my Masters swimmers whenever I can. The caveat is that I don't want to take up scarce lane space, and if there are more than 3 or 4 swimmers, I feel like I really need to be on the deck for observation and to manage the workout.

Today we had 7 swimmers, the most in a very long time, so I stayed on the deck. But I did get over to the Fulton Y and swam the workout at lunchtime. The Fulton pool didn't have the same chlorine stink as it did on Monday, but the water temp was almost unbearable. 87 frickin degrees. That's therapy pool temperature, and it's against health department guidelines for recreational pools. It's just too GD hot, and someone will have a heart attack. Anyway...

Warm-up: 400 easy swim, 4 x 50 @ R :15 - 25 kick/25 drill

3 x 200 pull on 3:30 with buoy/paddles - breathe every 3/5 by 50

With fins: Kick = fast, swim = easy
25 kick - 25 swim - 50 kick - 25 swim - 75 kick - 25 swim - 75 kick - 25 swim - 50 kick - 25 swim - 25 kick - 25 swim (450 total)

Do the following 4 times:
2 x 100 free on 1:45 - cruise
3 x 25 sprint on :35 - back/breast/free

Cool down - easy 100

Total - 2850

Longest swim workout I've done in years

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

3 Days in a Row

I think that might be a record, at least for some time now.

Running with Drew

Time - 22:25
Pace - 10:18

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Home-Made workout

Improvising, since I worked through lunch and didn't get a trip to the gym. I refuse to set foot in the fitness room at the Y until the New Year's Resolution crowd has thinned out.

3 rounds:
10 body rows
10 chair dips
10 KB swings (25#)
10 goblet squats (25#)
15 swiss ball crunches
10 KB SDHPs (25#)
10 OHS

Monday, January 3, 2011

Nasty amounts of chlorine

Wow, the pool at Fulton Y just reeked today. I'm used to the lovely aroma of chlorine, but this was terrible. Even after a long shower, I can still smell it on my skin - an intriguing mix of soap, lotion and chlorine. Still, it smells better than some of the stuff at the department store perfume counters. Wonder if I could get a celebrity endorsement?

Warm-up: 300 swim/100 kick/100 pull

6 x 25 scull @ R :10 - 2 front scull, 2 shoulder scull, 2 hip scull
6 x 25 1-arm free @ R :10 - change arms each 25
6 x 25 catch-up @ R :10
6 x 25 free @ R :10 - focus on DPS

6 x 100 on 1:45 - establish SPL on first 100 and maintain.

6 x 50 on 1:00 - 2 back, 2 breast, 2 free

Cool down easy 100

Total - 2100

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

At least I am starting off on a good note - ran with Drew this morning. We should have done the Running of the Lights last night, but we had a hard enough time just staying awake until midnight, much less being able to run a 5K.

WOD: Running with Drew

Route - Glen Oaks Loop
Distance - 1.94 mi
Time - 18:39
Pace - 9:34