Tuesday, March 31, 2009

MB's Freaky Bendy Stuff

Okay, it took me an extra day, but I did do Melissa Byers' Freaky Bendy WOD tonight. Number One Son had soccer practice at the High Point Athletic Complex. Usually I take advantage of the track there to get in a good running/sprinting workout, but I finally noticed that the elementary school next to the complex has a playground right next to the track. I had to jump the fence to get to it, but it has everything I needed for this WOD. Well, except for rings.

Buy-in: 10 x downward dog to cobra pose

WOD: Freaky bendy stuff
  • 25 dead hang pull-ups (5 of them weighted) - did kips
  • 25 ring dips - did assisted bar dips
  • 5 skin-the-cats
  • 5 handstand holds (max time) - :38, :33, :36, :33, :37
  • 5 L-sit holds (max time) - :16, :20, :17, :15, :15
Since my deadhang pullups are better than my kips, I decided to take the opportunity to work my kip. I think I'm finally getting the hang of it, but I forgot to bring my camera, so no video for Jason, dammit. I threw 6 - 8 deadhangs in just for grins, but mostly did the pullups 3 - 4 kips at a time. For some reason, the kips wear my arms out faster than the deadhangs.

No rings, so I did 25 bar dips with an assist. The bars were not very high off the ground and I just kept my knees bent and toes on the ground to take some of the weight off my arms and shoulders. Dips have always made me a little nervous because of previous shoulder problems.

Skin the cats are just fun. I didn't get as far over as the guy in the video - I think my butt was at a level between my elbows and my shoulders - but it's still a great upper body movement.

Handstand holds were done with my toes hooked over one of the playground horizontal bars. It was nice because it allowed it me to be almost perfectly vertical instead of leaning against a wall. My freestanding handstand hold is about .2 seconds. The limiting factor on assisted holds was how long I could stand all the blood rushing to my head, not how long my arms and shoulders could support me. :p

L-sits = suck. I had nothing left by the time I did these.

Cash out: Dislocates

Crushed finger = crushed mojo

So I was all pumped up to do the gymnastic-y WOD that MB posted up at Crossfit 603 a couple of days ago. Then I got a call that one of the high schools had a failed UPS, and could I please take a replacement out there.

Now, this sucker weighs about 40 lbs, most of which is concentrated in one end. No problem - I muscled it up onto a cart (yay for functional fitness) and started rolling it out to the van. Then I hit an uneven spot on the pavement and the whole unit bounced. Right onto the end of my right index finger.

It hurt like a muthafukka. I let out a stream of obcenities, and actually thought for a few minutes that I might be physically sick. Now my fingertip is a lovely shade of black, blue and purple and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna lose the fingernail.

Needless to say, that took away any desire I had to do a WOD that involved gripping, swinging or hanging from bars. Then KAD's soccer practice got moved to a field on the other side of town and I had to take her straight from work. At that point, I just said "fuck it" and took the day off.

However, I did take advantage of the lovely weather on Sunday and went for a trail run at Tanglewood Park.

Sunday 29 March 09:

Warmup: CFFC standard, 20 air squats, 20 walking lunges

WOD: Trail loop run at Tanglewood

Distance: ~2.25 miles
Time: 20:00

The weather was gorgeous - sunny and upper 60s. The only damper was the wind, which was gusting hard enough to almost bring me to a standstill at times.

Cash out: 3 rounds
10 pushups
10 hollow rocks
10 goblet squats (25#)

Did lots of foam rolling Sunday and yesterday - I've been neglecting that way too much lately.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Front Squats and Deadlifts

Front squats have been popping up all over recently, it seems, not only on the main site, but also on Melissa Byers' Crossfit 603 site and at Crossfit Full Circle. I hadn't done these since....early November, so I was overdue for some front squat work.

Buy-in: 2 rounds
8 x goblet squats (35# DB)
10 x DB deadlifts (35#)
Worked on kip swings; still having trouble timing the hip pop

WOD: Front squat 5 x 3
  • Warmup sets @ 45#/65#/75#/85#
  • Work sets: 1 x 3 @ 95#
  • 4 x 3 @ 100#
Because I had not done these on several months, the warmup was more or less spent trying to figure out what the work set weight would be. I thought it might be 95#, based on doing one set at that weight last time, but it seemed a bit too easy, so I bumped the weight up to 100#. I could have (and probably should have) gone to 105#, but I wanted to make sure I had a handle on the technique.

I followed with deadlifts, just 'cause I was in that kind of mood:

Deadlifts 3 x 3
  • Warmup sets @ 115#/135#
  • Work sets: 3 x 3 @ 155#
Had some trouble with my grip on the work sets - not sure if it was from the kips swings I practiced earlier or just one of the those days. I have trouble with the hook grip at higher weights, so that's something I definitely need to work on.

Finished up with a quick metcon:

KB swings (16kg)
Thrusters (45#)

Time - 3:26

I haven't done thrusters for time in so long that I forgot how much they suck. This was a proper reminder. :p

Cash out: Pigeon pose, 1:00 each side

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

All My Favorite Stretches are Reptiles

When I visited Crossfit Full Circle, one of the movements Jason showed me was a hip mobility exercise that he called the Iguana Stretch. I was doing it the other day during my post-WOD cooldown and KAD wandered over.

KAD: What are you doing, Mom?

Me: The Iguana Stretch.

KAD: (after a critical study of my position) It doesn't look like an iguana.

Me: Maybe if you look at me from the front...

KAD: (moves to look at me from another angle) Maybe...why are all your stretches named after reptiles?

Well, not all of my favorite stretches are named after reptiles. But two of them are - this newly acquired Iguana Stretch and the Cobra Pose.

I learned the Cobra while in PT for my back, and found that it's a great way to relieve my lower back tension and open my chest for easier breathing. It also makes for a great stretch following an intensive ab workout. I try to do the Cobra several times a day in my ongoing efforts to keep my low back in shape.

Now I've learned the Iguana Stretch and I love it so much that I have incorporated it into my warmup routine before every WOD. I have pretty tight hip flexors and hamstrings, and this stretch really helps loosen them up.

WOD Monday 23 March 09:

Buy-in: Frog stands, 3 x :30

WOD: 21-15-9
KB swings (25#)

Time - 3:42

Just a quick WOD, because of dealing with stuff that got put on the back burner while I was traveling over the weekend. Pushups hurt due to residual DOMS from One Gross WOD on Saturday. Also, I think it's time to invest in a heavier KB.

Cash out: handstand holds for a cumulative total of 1:00

WOD Tuesday 24 March 09:

Buy-in: 2 rounds
200m jog
10 air squats
200m jog
12 walking lunges

WOD: CFE - "2 Miles the Hard Way"

800m run - 3:34
2 x 400m run - 1:39/1:47
4 x 200m run - :42/:49:/:46/:51
8 x 100m run - :26/:27/:27/:27/:28/:26/:27/:26

Rest intervals were the same as the time as it took to complete the work interval.

Cash out: 30 hollow rocks, shoulder dislocates

Monday, March 23, 2009

WOD at CrossFit Full Circle

Finally went on my first affiliate visit! I went to see Jason Struck and Mark Pushinsky at Crossfit Full Circle in Richmond. Fantastic session - Jason and Mark are great instructors, patient and forthcoming with good understandable explanations of the movements and their importance to Crossfit. Also got to meet Matt Bahen (yay!), whose CF log I've been following on the boards for quite a while.

After some warmup and shoulder/hip mobility movements (ouch, iguana stretch), we went through some of progressions to the medicine ball clean, concentrating on popping the hips and keeping the chest up and shoulders back. Jason seemed a bit perplexed by my rounded back, and gave me a couple of exercises to work on keeping my shoulders back and down. However, after so many years of competitive swimming, back muscles tend to take on a life of their own. I have never seen a long-time swimmer without a rounded back (KAD is already developing one), and hopefully these exercises will help correct it.

Had a light-bulb moment when working on the kip. Jason teaches the gymnastics kip, using the hollow position and engaging the shoulder girdle to create the swing - which was exactly what I had NOT been doing when trying to kip before. I still have trouble with the timing of the hip pop in the back part of the swing, but I will be working on that, taking video and sending it to Jason for evaluation.

Movements worked:
  • Air squats to medicine ball: concentrate on keeping the shoulders back and chest up - no taco-ing.
  • Holding the med ball in the hang position, pop the hips to toss it slightly
  • Med ball deadlifts
  • Med ball squats, with the ball held in front of the face
  • Hold ball in the hang position, pop the hips to toss the ball and get under it.
  • Full medicine ball squat cleans
  • Pushups on parallettes, concentrate on getting the shoulders just below the elbows.
  • KB swings (Russian) with a 16kg bell, concentrate on hip pop.
  • Kip work, concentrate on the hollow position, opening the shoulders and then engaging them to help create the swing
And finally, One Gross WOD:

For time: 15-12-9
Pushups (on parallettes)
Medicine ball squat cleans (14# ball)
KB swings (16kg)

Time - 10:50

Apparently this was a pretty fast time for women for this WOD. I think Mark said the record was somewhere around 10:30. The pullups killed me - my grip was a little fried from the kip work and by the last set, I was down to doing them one at a time. I'm definitely capable of doing it faster, and Mark thinks a good kip could help me knock a minute or more off that time.

Overall, a fantastic session and a real eye-opener about the value of a good coach. I have the official Crossfit Full Circle t-shirt as proof of my visit, and a notebook of tips and pointers for things to concentrate on during my workouts.

Thanks again, Jason and Mark!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

CrossFit 603 G-Hybrid Metcon

Decided to help Melissa Byers celebrate the official affiliation of CrossFit 603 by doing one of her inaugural WODs. It was a core-burner. And yes, it sucked. But in a good way.

Buy-in: Coach Boz OHS warmup

I discovered that my shoulders are way tighter than they should be. I swam competitively for almost 20 years - you'd think I'd at least have some residual shoulder flexibiity. Active shoulders aren't really the problem - I can still squeeze my delts pretty dang close together in the streamline - the real issue may be tight pecs and anterior delts. Also discovered that dislocates are a no-go with the elbow. Whoda thought?

WOD: G-Hybrid Metcon
Three rounds, for total time
  • Sprint 2:00 (record distance)
  • Handstand Push-Ups (HSPU), 2:00 (max reps)
  • Plank hold, accumulate 2:00 (record total time spent)
Sprint distances (approximate based on 100m indoor track): 390m/400m/405m
HSPUs (done with feet on a chest-high rail): 26/32/36
Plank holds: 2:00/2:00/2:10

Total time - 19:11

The extra 1:11 came primarily from trying to get back to HSPU/plank spot after running, and from basic sucking wind between exercises.

Tried to keep my body position as vertical as possible during the HSPUs so that they would better approximate real HSPUs instead of just looking like an extremely elevated pushup. I haven't done this movement very often and I was really surprised at how much it taxes the core. Following this with planks is a serious burn.

Did the first two rounds of planks with no rest breaks. Instead of spending the entire 2 minutes in the front plank, I did Patrick Haskell's rolling planks. Need to check with Byers about the legality on that.

Cash out: 10 KTEs (was supposed to be 25, but ye old elbow gave out).
Practiced hang power cleans with a very light dowel. Hopefully it won't be long before I can start doing these for real again.

Great WOD, Melissa!

No workout tomorrow - have to get the car serviced, take KAD to the eye doctor, then pack and leave for a weekend in Richmond for KAD's soccer tournament. Gonna hook up with Matt Bahen and Jason Struck over at CrossFit Full Circle while I'm there. Should be lots of fun!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Michael! Haven't seen you in a while...

Tuesday 17 March 09:

Once again I found myself at a workout site trying to decide what to do. This time it was one of the local middle schools, where KAD was having her soccer practice. Unlike most middle schools in our county, this one actually has a properly measured track around its football field. Excited by this, I mentally scrolled through my options:

Helen: Nope, no kettlebell. And no place at the track to do pullups.
Murph: See Helen for problem with pullups. Not that my elbow needed to be subjected to 100 pullups and 200 pushups.
Griff: Good idea, but just not in the mood. Besides, the football field was crawling with lacrosse players and I didn't want to fall on my ass in front of such a large audience.
Michael: Bing, bing - we have a winner!

Buy-in: 400m jog; 20 walking lunges; 25 crunches; 15 air squats; 400m jog

WOD: "Michael"
3 rounds for time of:

800m run
50 back extensions (subbed supermans)
50 situps

Time - 19:18
Splits - 6:23/6:25/6:30

Run splits were 4:00/4:04/4:18. Completely died on the last one - legs felt like lead. Still, this was 8 seconds faster than my last Michael, which was last July. I've never done this WOD Rx'd - I suspect that doing back extensions instead of supermans would add 5 minutes or more to my time.

Cash out: Rolling planks, 30 seconds each position for a total of 6:00.

CrossFit Total

A lot of people carefully plan their workouts. I'm not one of them. I tend to go to the gym with a general idea of what I'd like to do, then pull something out of my butt when I get there. So I headed to the Y on Monday, thinking vaguely that I'd like to lift, but not sure which lifts I would do. To my surprise (and delight), the fitness room was almost empty, a beautiful unused row of power racks, bars and plates waiting just for me. At that point I thought, "CFT - I haven't done a CFT in a long time. I'll do that."

Monday 16 March 09

Buy-in: 2 rounds
10 goblet squats (25#)
10 back extensions
10 presses w/dowel

WOD: CrossFit Total (at a body weight of 127#)

Back squat - 145#
Press - 70#
Deadlift - 185#

CrossFit Total = 400

My last CFT was 365, back in October. Individual lifts then were 135# for the squat, 65# for the press, and 165# for the deadlift.

Maybe I'm not being realistic, but I was hoping for a little more improvement, especially on my back squat. I had two failed attempts at 150# - could not get to the depth necessary to make either one a counting rep. I didn't get any video, so I'm not sure if it was a form issue or just fatigue at that point.

I'm okay with the small improvement on the press. 70# matches my previous 1RM and given how little hard training I've done on this lift in the past couple of months, I'm just glad I didn't lose any ground. Had 2 failed attempts at 75# - got the bar level to my forehead but could not lock it out. An attempt at 72# might have been a better idea.

Deadlift. Well. Yes, it was a PR by 20#. But I can go heavier. I started too light and didn't get aggressive enough with my later pulls. I also started getting antsy about the time, because I had to go back to work. It was mentally distracting and subsequently I didn't take enough rest between attempts. I made two weak attempts at 195#, couldn't get it to break, and just fucking gave up. I'm pissed at myself now, because that 1.5BW deadlift is so close I can taste it.

Cash out: None - had to go back to work.

Okay, now I have a little better idea of where I am strength-wise. The question is "What now?" The weather is getting warmer and I'm itching to spend more time outside and do more running. I want to do a triathlon this summer. But I also want to be stronger and reach the strength goals that I've set. So do I try to continue a weird blend of SS and CF? Go back to the main page (as the elbow allows)? More CFE? Definitely need to get some input.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Back to the Main Page

Went back to the main page for my workout today, since it happened to coincide with my desire to lift. I wasn't sure how this one would go, since I still have some residual DOMS in my glutes and hamstrings from Tuesday's ass-burner.

Buy-in: 20 air squats; 10 back extensions; 10 goblet squats (25# DB); 20 DB deadlifts (25#); 10 OHS w/dowel

WOD: Back squat 3-3-3-3-3

Warmup sets:
  • 2 x 5 @ 45#
  • 2 x 5 @ 65#
  • 1 x 5 @ 95#
Work sets:
  • 3 @ 105#
  • 3 @ 110#
  • 3 @ 115#
  • 2 x 3 @ 120#
BTB: 1 x 8 @ 65#

Felt pretty strong on these - I probably should have started heavier than 105# and done at least 3 sets at 120#. Concentrated on controlling my descent and driving out of the bottom with my hips. Note to self: Time to go up to at least 110#, preferably 115#, on my 5 x 5 days.

Metcon work:
15 - 9 - 6
Box jumps (18")
Deadlifts (115#)

Time - 5:32

I was looking for something short and tough, and this provided it in spades. I didn't realize how much the squats had taken out of me until I got about 3 reps into the first round of DLs. Then my legs were yelling at me "STOP!" and my brain was replying "STFU, I have to frikkin' finish this." This argument went on for the entire length of the metcon. Obviously, my brain won, but I have a feeling that my body is already plotting payback.

I'll be interested to see if I have trouble sleeping tonight after doing this heavy metcon. I saw a thread on the CF boards where people were discussing sleep problems after hard metcons. I haven't paid particular attention to my sleep patterns after various WODs, but I probably should.

Cash out: Lots of stretching and hip mobility work.

Someone complained to the trainer today that I was monopolizing the squat rack. That pissed me off, because I have always been willing to let other people work in when I'm using the rack. I take a minimum of three minutes of rest between sets, which is plenty of time for someone to change plates and do a set. I've let people work in plenty of times. I just told the trainer, "All they have to do is ask. How am I supposed to know they want to work in if they don't ask?" I think the real problem was that the person didn't want to work in, he wanted me to leave the rack and got upset when I was in it for 20+ minutes. Oh well, he'll get over it.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The A$$-Burner WOD

I've seen this little gem floating around on several people's logs - Jay's and Melissa's for sure, since they did it together at CFBK. Finally got around to doing it. Worth the wait? I'm withholding judgment until my ass and hammies get back to me - which I'm sure will be very soon, given how loudly they were screaming at during the WOD.

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 box jumps (20")
40 side-to-side shuffle steps
50 yard wall run (on a 4-inch wide wall)

WOD: "The Ass-Burner"
100 ft walking lunges
21 pullups
21 situps
100 ft walking lunges
18 pullups
18 situps
100 ft walking lunges
15 pullups
15 situps
100 ft walking lunges
12 pullups
12 situps
100 ft walking lunges
9 pullups
9 situps
100 ft walking lunges
6 pullups
6 situps

Time - 12:32

Okay, this one really sucked. I looked like Lindsey Lohan at an open bar by the end of it. It took me about 34-35 lunges to cover the distance, and I stayed consistent in each round...it's just that each step in the later rounds had long pauses while I fought for balance. The pullups weren't really pullups - they were more like jumping partials, since I'm still nervous about my elbow. My only complaint is that there aren't enough situps - I'm good at situps and doing them was a nice break from the rest of the suckage. Need more situps. :p

Cash out: Yoga tree pose, 1:00 each leg

Monday, March 9, 2009

Running in the heat

The weather's been wacky lately. We had snow days last Monday and Tuesday, but it's been sunny and upper 70's for the past 4 days. Now I'm hearing that it's supposed to fall back into the low 40s with rain for this weekend. I'm stuck between seasons in my clothes closet - unable to pack away my winter things, but no space for my warm weather stuff.

KAD had soccer and swimming this weekend, so I didn't get in a WOD due to driving all over the state. But I was determined to take advantage of the nice weather before it goes away, so I hit the soccer park this evening for a run.

Warmup: hip/knee mobility; 400m jogging

WOD: CFE Running - 5 rounds of 4:00 on/2:00 off
Distance - 3 miles

Because I was so close to the 5K mark at the end of the last round, I decided to run a little more to make it a complete 5K.
5K time - 30:54

I'm not sure if it's the lack of substantial running, lack of sleep, bad food or just the heat (80 degrees at 5:30), but I felt awful on this WOD. I pushed through it and actually covered more distance than I thought I would, but man I was hurtin'.

Cash out: None - had to take KAD home and cook dinner.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bombs away!

A bit of a breakthrough on back squats tonight: I realized I had been "dropping" into the squat instead of controlling my descent, and I was too loose at the bottom. This allowed my knees to move forward and took away from my hip drive. In Rip's words, I was "dive-bombing" into the bottom of the movement.

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 overhead lunges w/15# medicine ball
10 supermans
15 air squats
15 situps

My buy-ins seem to be getting a little monotonous - need to mix them up more.

WOD: Strength

Back squat 3 x 5

Warmup sets:
  • 2 x 5 @ 45#
  • 2 x 5 @ 65#
  • 1 x 5 @ 85#
Work sets:
  • 3 x 5 @ 105#
Concentrated on controlling my descent and keeping tight form. I sacrificed some depth, but not enough to keep the squats from qualifying as full ROM. Getting the form right (and safe) is much more important than being able to go ATG. Boy, could I feel the difference too - my glutes and hammies are whimpering already.

Presses 3 x 5

Warmup set: 1 x 5 @ 45#

Work sets: 3 x 5 @ 55#

Last reps of each set were a little shaky. Interestingly enough, the elbow twinges on the way down, but not on the way up.

Deadlifts 1 x 5

Warmup sets:
  • 1 x 5 @ 95#
  • 1 x 5 @ 115#
  • 1 x 3 @ 135#
Work set: 1 x 5 @ 150#

I know I can go heavier on DLs. But every time I start entertaining the thought, I have to remind myself to "TAKE IT EASY ON THE ELBOW or you'll be back at square one!"

Cash out: Rolling planks - 3 rounds, :30 each position for 6:00 total.
Shout-out to Patrick Haskell for this great idea.

On a musical note (hee), I've found that listening to Apocalyptica really helps me focus during the lifts. Harmeggedon and For Whom the Bell Tolls are awesome for squats and deadlifts.

Will putting in a garage gym increase the value of my house?


According to the county, that's how much the tax value of our house has increased in the last four years.

Total bullshit.

We bought the house in 2005 and paid only a couple of thousand more than its tax-assessed value at that time (which was a steal - market value at that time was a good 30K+ more than we paid). We couldn't sell the house now for 25 grand more if our lives depended on it. In the current market, we'd be doing well to sell it for what we paid. How the fuck can the tax value go up so much when the market value has dropped so much?

It's not like we've done a lot of substantial work on the house. New carpet and new paint when we moved it. I don't even have a fucking gym in the garage. Even if I did (and I'd like to have one someday), I don't think that's 25K worth of improvement.

Hubby and I have been debating whether or not we should refinance the mortgage. Debate over. If our appeal fails, we'll have to refinance. Otherwise, the tax man just added $200 a month to our house payment.

So I went from my non-CF house to the Y with KAD for a WOD.

Buy-in: Soccer skills - passing, dribbling, juggling
10 minute 1v1 game with KAD - she kicked my butt, 5-1

WOD: Pyramid run
200m - 400m - 800m - 400m - 200m
Rest interval is the same time that it takes to do each repeat
Total rest between runs - no walking

Times - :50 - 1:59* - 4:05 - 1:54 - :48
*had to stop to tie my shoe

Total time - 18:27

Usually on WODs like this, my lungs are on fire and I'm sucking for breath. This time I couldn't build up enough speed to suck wind because my legs felt like lead. Hopefully that is a sign that I'm loading my legs with enough weight on the strength days. Even so, I'm fairly pleased with these times. The 200s should probably be faster - at least somewhere around :40.

Cash out: Stretch; shot baskets with KAD

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

An Unexpected Gift of a Workout

I was on my way home from work today when Number One Son called and asked, "Mom, can I drive myself to soccer practice tonight?"

Son has had his driver's license since October. He's still under the provisional restrictions, one of which is that he cannot drive without an adult between the hours of 9 PM and 5 AM. Because he has soccer practice in High Point from 7 - 8:45 PM, and it takes about 35 minutes to get there, I have continued to drive him to practice. His coach will let those who have a driving curfew leave early, but Son enjoys being able to relax and snack in the car. I, on the other hand, have been ready for him to drive himself for quite some time.

So naturally, my response to his question was "Of course you can!"

And I took my unexpected windfall of time and went to the Y.

Buy-in: 2 rounds
15 air squats
15 back extensions
10 goblet squats (25# DB)

WOD: Strength

Back squat 3 x 5
  • Warmup sets @ 45#, 65# (x2), 95#
  • Work sets: 3 x 5 @ 105#
  • 1 x 5 @ 110#
  • BTB 1 x 5 @ 65#
Still having trouble with my knees sliding forward at the bottom of heavier squats. When I concentrate on my knees, I seem to lose my hip drive. I did the set of BTB squats to help work on glute activation.

Bench press 3 x 5
  • Warmup sets @ 45#, 55#, 75#
  • Work sets: 3 x 5 @ 85#
I think I could have gone heavier on the work sets, but the elbow started twinging and I decided not to push it.

Then I got stupid and did a set of pullups. Bad idea. Just hope I'm not set back too far.

Cash out: 3 rounds
20 x 4-count flutter kicks
10 x floor wipers @ 12# (MB)

I enjoyed my unexpected workout, but still worried about Son driving home. He just pulled in, so all is well.

More Snow Pics and a handy excuse

I'd like to offer an apology in advance for those of you in cooler climes. You must understand that we don't get much snow around here, and what we do get generally does not stick to the ground. So the accumulation of 4-5 inches of snow is a HUGE deal, and the cause of much trepidation (among adults, who cannot drive in it) and celebration (among kids, who get a day off from school and a rare chance to use their sleds).

Taking this pic of Hubby as he prepared to clear the driveway is closest I got to a WOD today. Like everything else, the Y was closed in the morning, and by the time it opened, I was off to work. Between working late (damned virus shit is still popping up all over the central office) and the arrival of my mother-in-law, there was about a snowball's chance in hell of me getting in a WOD. I suppose I could have helped with shoveling the driveway and sidewalk, but we only have one snowshovel and Hubby seemed to be doing a pretty bang-up job without my help. :p

Handy excuse indeed. But excuses seem to be a recurring theme with me lately, no matter how much I resolve otherwise.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

This is what is our driveway looks like right now. Not real exciting for those of you who live in the frozen North (defined as anywhere north of Virginia), but it's enough to send everyone around here scrambling to the store for bread, milk and eggs. Naturally, there is no school tomorrow. Hubby and I still have to work, though.

Just when we thought we might have the viruses under control, we had a massive outbreak in the central office. I anticipate more of the same this week, as I'm already getting emails from my school techs wanting to know when I'm going to come out and help them. I'd like to beat our head engineer around his head and shoulders, since he was the one who made the bone-headed decision to be cheap when it came to purchasing AV/malware protection.

Anyway, I did manage to get in a couple of WODs amidst the chaos last week.

Thursday 26 Feb 09:

Buy-in: 3 rounds
15 air squats
15 ab ball situps
10 supermans
10 KB deadlifts (25#)

WOD: 21-15-9
KB swings (25#)
Floor wipers (unweighted)

Time - 11:21 (5:05/3:54/2:21)

Note to self - unweighted floor wipers suck no less than the weighted kind, so you might as well use the weight. The OHS with the kettlebell was kind of an experiment. Obviously you can't use a wide grip with only one KB, so I held it with my upper body in what swimmers call the streamline position:

Trying to squat in this position is awkward at first, and it is a SERIOUS core burner to maintain the tight streamline. I may have my masters swimmers do this during their dryland workouts.

Cash out: None - had to take Son to soccer practice.

Saturday 28 Feb 09:

Buy-in: 3 rounds
15 air squats
15 incline situps
15 back extensions
10 dumbbell DLs (25#)

WOD: Strength day

Back squats 3 x 5
  • Warmup sets @ 45#(2), 65#(2), 85#, 95#
  • Work sets 3 x 5 @ 105#
Felt pretty good on these, though I had to concentrate hard on keeping my knees shoved out and driving with my hips. Need to get more video for coaching purposes.

Deadlifts 3 x 5
  • Warmup sets @ 95#, 115#, 125#
  • 5 @ 135#
  • 2 x 5 @ 140#
Because of my elbow, grip is the limiting factor on my DLs right now. I know I can go heavier, because the 140s seemed to just pop right up off the floor. My elbow is starting to feel better (the wrap with the pressure pads really helps), but I don't want to push it too hard just yet. I finally got smart and started leaving the bar in the rack while I load the plates - loading and unloading plates while a bar is on the floor sucks - so every set at a new weight starts with a rack pull and placing the bar on the floor.

Presses 3 x 5
  • Warmup set @ 45#
  • 3 x 5 @ 55#
Didn't try too much weight on these. Concentrated on form and seeing how the elbow would hold up.

Cash out: 10 deadhang pullups
I was afraid I had lost my pullup strength after not doing them for so long. Damn, those felt good!

I have DOMS in my entire posterior chain today, but it's the good kind - the kind that tells you that you've had a pretty damn good workout.