Wednesday, March 18, 2009

CrossFit Total

A lot of people carefully plan their workouts. I'm not one of them. I tend to go to the gym with a general idea of what I'd like to do, then pull something out of my butt when I get there. So I headed to the Y on Monday, thinking vaguely that I'd like to lift, but not sure which lifts I would do. To my surprise (and delight), the fitness room was almost empty, a beautiful unused row of power racks, bars and plates waiting just for me. At that point I thought, "CFT - I haven't done a CFT in a long time. I'll do that."

Monday 16 March 09

Buy-in: 2 rounds
10 goblet squats (25#)
10 back extensions
10 presses w/dowel

WOD: CrossFit Total (at a body weight of 127#)

Back squat - 145#
Press - 70#
Deadlift - 185#

CrossFit Total = 400

My last CFT was 365, back in October. Individual lifts then were 135# for the squat, 65# for the press, and 165# for the deadlift.

Maybe I'm not being realistic, but I was hoping for a little more improvement, especially on my back squat. I had two failed attempts at 150# - could not get to the depth necessary to make either one a counting rep. I didn't get any video, so I'm not sure if it was a form issue or just fatigue at that point.

I'm okay with the small improvement on the press. 70# matches my previous 1RM and given how little hard training I've done on this lift in the past couple of months, I'm just glad I didn't lose any ground. Had 2 failed attempts at 75# - got the bar level to my forehead but could not lock it out. An attempt at 72# might have been a better idea.

Deadlift. Well. Yes, it was a PR by 20#. But I can go heavier. I started too light and didn't get aggressive enough with my later pulls. I also started getting antsy about the time, because I had to go back to work. It was mentally distracting and subsequently I didn't take enough rest between attempts. I made two weak attempts at 195#, couldn't get it to break, and just fucking gave up. I'm pissed at myself now, because that 1.5BW deadlift is so close I can taste it.

Cash out: None - had to go back to work.

Okay, now I have a little better idea of where I am strength-wise. The question is "What now?" The weather is getting warmer and I'm itching to spend more time outside and do more running. I want to do a triathlon this summer. But I also want to be stronger and reach the strength goals that I've set. So do I try to continue a weird blend of SS and CF? Go back to the main page (as the elbow allows)? More CFE? Definitely need to get some input.


Rebecca said...

Daniel's done most of the research on this so this is third hand - but I know that there's a thread on the national boards about CFSB - CrossFit Strength Bias. I haven't read it myself, so I can't say for sure, but it might be worth a read :-)

400 seems like a pretty awesome score to me ;-)

Ev said...

Nice work!