Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The A$$-Burner WOD

I've seen this little gem floating around on several people's logs - Jay's and Melissa's for sure, since they did it together at CFBK. Finally got around to doing it. Worth the wait? I'm withholding judgment until my ass and hammies get back to me - which I'm sure will be very soon, given how loudly they were screaming at during the WOD.

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 box jumps (20")
40 side-to-side shuffle steps
50 yard wall run (on a 4-inch wide wall)

WOD: "The Ass-Burner"
100 ft walking lunges
21 pullups
21 situps
100 ft walking lunges
18 pullups
18 situps
100 ft walking lunges
15 pullups
15 situps
100 ft walking lunges
12 pullups
12 situps
100 ft walking lunges
9 pullups
9 situps
100 ft walking lunges
6 pullups
6 situps

Time - 12:32

Okay, this one really sucked. I looked like Lindsey Lohan at an open bar by the end of it. It took me about 34-35 lunges to cover the distance, and I stayed consistent in each round...it's just that each step in the later rounds had long pauses while I fought for balance. The pullups weren't really pullups - they were more like jumping partials, since I'm still nervous about my elbow. My only complaint is that there aren't enough situps - I'm good at situps and doing them was a nice break from the rest of the suckage. Need more situps. :p

Cash out: Yoga tree pose, 1:00 each leg

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