Thursday, March 19, 2009

CrossFit 603 G-Hybrid Metcon

Decided to help Melissa Byers celebrate the official affiliation of CrossFit 603 by doing one of her inaugural WODs. It was a core-burner. And yes, it sucked. But in a good way.

Buy-in: Coach Boz OHS warmup

I discovered that my shoulders are way tighter than they should be. I swam competitively for almost 20 years - you'd think I'd at least have some residual shoulder flexibiity. Active shoulders aren't really the problem - I can still squeeze my delts pretty dang close together in the streamline - the real issue may be tight pecs and anterior delts. Also discovered that dislocates are a no-go with the elbow. Whoda thought?

WOD: G-Hybrid Metcon
Three rounds, for total time
  • Sprint 2:00 (record distance)
  • Handstand Push-Ups (HSPU), 2:00 (max reps)
  • Plank hold, accumulate 2:00 (record total time spent)
Sprint distances (approximate based on 100m indoor track): 390m/400m/405m
HSPUs (done with feet on a chest-high rail): 26/32/36
Plank holds: 2:00/2:00/2:10

Total time - 19:11

The extra 1:11 came primarily from trying to get back to HSPU/plank spot after running, and from basic sucking wind between exercises.

Tried to keep my body position as vertical as possible during the HSPUs so that they would better approximate real HSPUs instead of just looking like an extremely elevated pushup. I haven't done this movement very often and I was really surprised at how much it taxes the core. Following this with planks is a serious burn.

Did the first two rounds of planks with no rest breaks. Instead of spending the entire 2 minutes in the front plank, I did Patrick Haskell's rolling planks. Need to check with Byers about the legality on that.

Cash out: 10 KTEs (was supposed to be 25, but ye old elbow gave out).
Practiced hang power cleans with a very light dowel. Hopefully it won't be long before I can start doing these for real again.

Great WOD, Melissa!

No workout tomorrow - have to get the car serviced, take KAD to the eye doctor, then pack and leave for a weekend in Richmond for KAD's soccer tournament. Gonna hook up with Matt Bahen and Jason Struck over at CrossFit Full Circle while I'm there. Should be lots of fun!

1 comment:

Melissa Urban said...

How did I miss this?!?!

Thank you for the shout-out, and you did a GREAT job with that workout. HSPUs followed by plank holds ARE awful. Next time, post your stuff to our comments so you can get the congratulations you deserve!