Wednesday, March 25, 2009

All My Favorite Stretches are Reptiles

When I visited Crossfit Full Circle, one of the movements Jason showed me was a hip mobility exercise that he called the Iguana Stretch. I was doing it the other day during my post-WOD cooldown and KAD wandered over.

KAD: What are you doing, Mom?

Me: The Iguana Stretch.

KAD: (after a critical study of my position) It doesn't look like an iguana.

Me: Maybe if you look at me from the front...

KAD: (moves to look at me from another angle) Maybe...why are all your stretches named after reptiles?

Well, not all of my favorite stretches are named after reptiles. But two of them are - this newly acquired Iguana Stretch and the Cobra Pose.

I learned the Cobra while in PT for my back, and found that it's a great way to relieve my lower back tension and open my chest for easier breathing. It also makes for a great stretch following an intensive ab workout. I try to do the Cobra several times a day in my ongoing efforts to keep my low back in shape.

Now I've learned the Iguana Stretch and I love it so much that I have incorporated it into my warmup routine before every WOD. I have pretty tight hip flexors and hamstrings, and this stretch really helps loosen them up.

WOD Monday 23 March 09:

Buy-in: Frog stands, 3 x :30

WOD: 21-15-9
KB swings (25#)

Time - 3:42

Just a quick WOD, because of dealing with stuff that got put on the back burner while I was traveling over the weekend. Pushups hurt due to residual DOMS from One Gross WOD on Saturday. Also, I think it's time to invest in a heavier KB.

Cash out: handstand holds for a cumulative total of 1:00

WOD Tuesday 24 March 09:

Buy-in: 2 rounds
200m jog
10 air squats
200m jog
12 walking lunges

WOD: CFE - "2 Miles the Hard Way"

800m run - 3:34
2 x 400m run - 1:39/1:47
4 x 200m run - :42/:49:/:46/:51
8 x 100m run - :26/:27/:27/:27/:28/:26/:27/:26

Rest intervals were the same as the time as it took to complete the work interval.

Cash out: 30 hollow rocks, shoulder dislocates

1 comment:

Daniel said...

If you don't have a CF Journal subscription, I highly recommend you get one. If you do have one, I highly recommend you watch Kelly Starrett's Hip Stability series - he's a fantastic PT and has a TON of useful information about stretches.

If you've already done this, then...well done. Carry on. ;)