Monday, March 9, 2009

Running in the heat

The weather's been wacky lately. We had snow days last Monday and Tuesday, but it's been sunny and upper 70's for the past 4 days. Now I'm hearing that it's supposed to fall back into the low 40s with rain for this weekend. I'm stuck between seasons in my clothes closet - unable to pack away my winter things, but no space for my warm weather stuff.

KAD had soccer and swimming this weekend, so I didn't get in a WOD due to driving all over the state. But I was determined to take advantage of the nice weather before it goes away, so I hit the soccer park this evening for a run.

Warmup: hip/knee mobility; 400m jogging

WOD: CFE Running - 5 rounds of 4:00 on/2:00 off
Distance - 3 miles

Because I was so close to the 5K mark at the end of the last round, I decided to run a little more to make it a complete 5K.
5K time - 30:54

I'm not sure if it's the lack of substantial running, lack of sleep, bad food or just the heat (80 degrees at 5:30), but I felt awful on this WOD. I pushed through it and actually covered more distance than I thought I would, but man I was hurtin'.

Cash out: None - had to take KAD home and cook dinner.


Unknown said...

I blame heat. Until you get used to it your body will hate it. Nevertheless, that's a good job pushing through it. :)

Jenn said...

Thanks, Jay.

I'll be running in 90+ degree weather this summer, but it always takes some time to work up to it. The first week or so of exercising in the heat really sucks. Good think it's supposed to get cold again by the end of the week. :p