Friday, March 13, 2009

Back to the Main Page

Went back to the main page for my workout today, since it happened to coincide with my desire to lift. I wasn't sure how this one would go, since I still have some residual DOMS in my glutes and hamstrings from Tuesday's ass-burner.

Buy-in: 20 air squats; 10 back extensions; 10 goblet squats (25# DB); 20 DB deadlifts (25#); 10 OHS w/dowel

WOD: Back squat 3-3-3-3-3

Warmup sets:
  • 2 x 5 @ 45#
  • 2 x 5 @ 65#
  • 1 x 5 @ 95#
Work sets:
  • 3 @ 105#
  • 3 @ 110#
  • 3 @ 115#
  • 2 x 3 @ 120#
BTB: 1 x 8 @ 65#

Felt pretty strong on these - I probably should have started heavier than 105# and done at least 3 sets at 120#. Concentrated on controlling my descent and driving out of the bottom with my hips. Note to self: Time to go up to at least 110#, preferably 115#, on my 5 x 5 days.

Metcon work:
15 - 9 - 6
Box jumps (18")
Deadlifts (115#)

Time - 5:32

I was looking for something short and tough, and this provided it in spades. I didn't realize how much the squats had taken out of me until I got about 3 reps into the first round of DLs. Then my legs were yelling at me "STOP!" and my brain was replying "STFU, I have to frikkin' finish this." This argument went on for the entire length of the metcon. Obviously, my brain won, but I have a feeling that my body is already plotting payback.

I'll be interested to see if I have trouble sleeping tonight after doing this heavy metcon. I saw a thread on the CF boards where people were discussing sleep problems after hard metcons. I haven't paid particular attention to my sleep patterns after various WODs, but I probably should.

Cash out: Lots of stretching and hip mobility work.

Someone complained to the trainer today that I was monopolizing the squat rack. That pissed me off, because I have always been willing to let other people work in when I'm using the rack. I take a minimum of three minutes of rest between sets, which is plenty of time for someone to change plates and do a set. I've let people work in plenty of times. I just told the trainer, "All they have to do is ask. How am I supposed to know they want to work in if they don't ask?" I think the real problem was that the person didn't want to work in, he wanted me to leave the rack and got upset when I was in it for 20+ minutes. Oh well, he'll get over it.

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