Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Unworthy revisited and training w/ KAD

Getting back into the swing of things after Hubby's visit this weekend. We went out and bought the bicycle we had promised KAD for her birthday back in December. We couldn't get it then because she was between sizes. She picked out a nice new mountain bike that was on sale at Sports Authority and declared herself ready to train for the Ramblin' Rose triathlon in August. After going for a couple of rides, I realized that we both have a long road ahead of us in terms of training for the bike ride.

Because the weather's been lousy, I've been looking for WODs to do at home, which generally means kettlebells, pushups, squats, situps, etc, etc. "Unworthy" is a WOD that I haven't done in a long time and have never done Rx'd, so I decided it was time to revisit it.

Monday, 15 June 09:

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 x OHS w/dowel (done in doorway to work technique)
15 x GHD situps
5 x bench dips

WOD: "Unworthy"

80 squats/40 KB swings/20 pushups
40 squats/20 KB swings/10 pushups
20 squats/10 KB swings/5 pushups
40 squats/20 KB swings/10 pushups
80 squats/40 KB swings/20 pushups

Time - 12:39

That's about 5:30 faster than last time, when I swapped the reps on KB swings and pushups. I'm still using a 25# KB, so it's still not quite Rx'd, but I'm very pleased with this one. The KB swings and pushups were unbroken until the last set, but the squats killed me. The last two sets were done 10 at a time.

Cash out: 30 x 4-count flutter kicks
Handstand practice

Tuesday, 16 June 09:

Buy-in: Bike ride to the Y with KAD, approx 1 mile

KAD is doing Crossfit this summer as her S & C program, prepping for the fall soccer season. I can't really do the workouts with her because she needs a lot of supervision to make sure she does the movements correctly. Her first WOD of the summer was the walking lunge/pullup/situp WOD from the main site a few days back. It started raining in the middle of her workout, so we headed home as soon as she finished. With no place to do pullups at the house, I just decided to do a very short homemade WOD.

WOD: 3 rounds
20 x goblet squats, 25#
30 x GHD situps
KB presses, 10 ea arm, 25#

Forgot to start my watch, so no time on this one.

Wednesday, 17 June 09:

Warmup - 500 easy, mixing strokes

8 x 50 kick w/fins, :30 RI, alternate free and fly

Main set:
4 x 100 @ :40 RI - IM, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle
6 x 50 @ :30 RI - 2 back, 2 breast, 2 free
8 x 25 @ :20 RI - 2 ea stroke

3 x 25 sprints from the block

Cool down - easy 100

Total - 2075

1 comment:

Nikki 2-K said...

You killed that Unworthy work out.. Damn girl!!!!