Sunday, May 31, 2009

Barbara...or "Babs," really

I think "Babs" is a more appropriate name for this WOD, which is the Pack scale or "Barbara Lite."

Buy-in: Hip and shoulder mobility exercises

WOD: "Babs"

Five rounds for time of:
10 pullups
20 pushups
30 situps
40 squats

Rest precisely 3 minutes between rounds.

Times: 3:19 - 2:30 - 2:30 - 2:37 - 2:38

Total work time - 13:34

I know, I know - I need to do this WOD Rx'd. Other than the pullups (which I tried to do all kips instead deadhang), I did all of the movements unbroken until the last set of pushups. I have a litany of excuses for why I didn't do this Rx'd, mainly revolving around my sucky kip, but I will not enumerate them here. Suffice it to say that the kip (and grip) will be getting more work.

Cash out: Handstand practice

1 comment:

Nikki 2-K said...

Thats a great time!!!!