Sunday, May 17, 2009

First try at Diane

My Crossfit 1st anniversary was on Friday. Of course, I forgot about it and I took a rest day yesterday, but it seems appropriate to celebrate the anniversary with a WOD that I've never done before. Coincidentally, such a WOD came up on the main site yesterday and since the weather is really crappy today, it seemed like a great alternative to what I had originally planned (a 5K run).

Buy-in: 1 round CFWU (without dips)
Deadlifts 5 x 95#, 5 x 115#, 3 x 135#

WOD: "Diane"
Deadlift 135# (Pack scale)
Handstand pushups (bridged on Smith machine)

Time - 10:50

Note to self: put retaining rings on the bar next time, so you won't keep having to stop to push the plates back into position. I have to wonder if I'm picking up the bar unevenly, because the plate on the left slides out more than the plate on the right. Otherwise, I guess that's not too bad for the first time. Gives a starting point, anyway.

Cash out:
3 x handstand holds (5 - 6 seconds kinda-sorta freestanding)
2 x hollow holds (:35/:32)
10 x MB cleans (20#)

Video from my warmup set at 135#:


Rebecca said...

Hey Jenn - nice solid work!

I'm (clearly) not a certified coach, so take this for what it's worth: Your DL looks pretty strong, but it looks to me like your hips are raising just a little before your shoulders start to move. Does your lower back bother you at all after heavy DL's?

If so, you might try starting with your hips a little bit lower and really think about locking in that lower-back arch and driving with your legs(hamstrings). Ideally your hips and legs should move together at the same time until the bar gets past your knees.

Glad you're feeling better :-)

Ev said...

Happy Anniversary!

Ev said...

I concur w/ what Becca says. It's harder for tall people, which it would appear that you are.

Jenn said...

Becca, my whole posterior chain hurts after DLs, but my lower back doesn't hurt any worse than the rest of me. :p My butt and hammies are screaming today.

I'm going to play with my setup some - scapular retraction and hip position definitely need some attention.

Unknown said...

a couple of those looked almost close to stiff legged deadlifts... be careful with that. :) other than that, solid time on "diane"

and I can tell you are a massive soccer mom, sambas and soccer shorts... you just need a mullet and you can be on the field with the euros. :)

Ev said...

She will not get a mullet. She's way too cool for that. Don't listen to him, Jenn! Ha ha haha.

Jenn said...

No mullets! There are still way too many of them on display in these parts. :p

The shorts are actually hand-me-downs from Number One Son - he got too tall for them a while back.