Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cindy = FAIL

I quit today. I have never done that before. I have had times when I've cut a WOD short or scaled back because of time limitations, but I have never quit in the middle of one. But I did today. Shit.

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 lunges
10 bench dips
25 rope skips

WOD: "Cindy"
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

Rounds - 11 rounds + 5 pullups + 10 pushups in 15:00

I don't what to say. I was sucking wind from the first pullup and could never seem to develop any kind of rhythm. Pukie kept sneaking up around the edges, threatening to make an appearance. I was going to just keep slogging through it, but I happened to look at my watch as I passed the 15:00 mark and just said "Fuck it, I quit." Then I just sat on the ground for about 10 minutes without moving before I started to feel guilty.

Cash out: Attempted to run around the track to make up for quitting on Cindy. No dice. I just had no gas in the tank today. Could have something to do with staying home sick. Guess I should have just passed on the WOD completely today.


Rebecca said...

We all have off days, Jenn. They suck. Working out when sick is DICEY. Not only is physicaly preparedness at an all time low, but when you're feeling awful before the WOD even begins, it's hard to get there mentally as well.

Get some rest, get better, and you'll nail it next time ;-)

Unknown said...

off days happen, don't beat your head in over them. :)

rest up, eat some noms and carry on. :)

Patrick Haskell said...

How many people do a 15-minute CF WOD when they feel like crap? I'm going with not too many. Way to do as much as you did. A little activity is a good way to get over being sick. A lot is a good way to get sicker. No guilt. Get well, and hit it hard then.

Jenn said...

Great advice from all you guys. Thanks for keeping me straight.

Ev said...

Jenn, I'm not sure how many rounds you typically do but that is not a bad score and for an off day it's a damn good score! M'kay?