Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Picking up where I left off on the main site...

Buy-in: 10 x MB cleans (15#)

WOD: "Twins"
Two rounds of each couplet for time

750m row (3:28/3:21)
20 HSPUs (with heels against the wall)
Time - 11:21

20 thrusters (45#)
20 L-pullups (did tuck pullups)
Time - 11:40

Total time - 23:01

This is the first time I've done any rowing since my elbow injury. Felt pretty good - damper setting was 4, and I didn't push the pace hard. My HSPUs were pretty bad - did them from a full handstand with my heels against the wall, and my ROM was about 4 - 5 inches.

The 11:40 split for the second couplet includes the roughly 2 minutes I spent finding an Oly bar for the thrusters. I had set everything up in a rack with my towel and bag as my claim markers, but when I got back to the rack, some asshole had moved all my stuff so he could do bicep curls in the fucking rack. I was so pissed. The thrusters ended up being 45# because I didn't want to waste any more time setting the bar up for 65#. I ended up doing the second couplet next to a Smith machine, which I used to do the pullups.

Cash out: 20 x 3-5 sec ab crunches (for my back)
20 x air squats on a Bosu ball (harder than it looks)


Patrick Haskell said...

You must have been feeling really guilty and sluglike to take that particular workout after a few days out of the gym. Way to push on through it. Hope you let yourself do something more punchy and fun today.

Jenn said...

Followed up with a swim workout, which is much more fun. :)