Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Does kicking a cold count as a workout?

Been battling a nasty cold for most of the past week. Usually these bugs pop in - KAD is a carrier - and I get sniffly and sneezy for a couple of days, then they go away. This bug brought baggage and camped out for a while. I think I'm going to give in and stay home tomorrow.

After a week of tracking my food intake on FitDay (attempting no major changes to my diet), here are the things I've noticed:

1) I don't take in as many calories as I thought. I always estimated that I consumed 2000+ calories per day. Turns out it's more like 1700 - 1800, which is probably all right this week since I haven't worked out much.

2) My macronutrient proportions are 36% carbs, 35% fat, 26% protein and 4% alcohol. The alcohol was all beer, so I could probably count that toward my carbs as well.

3) Upping the protein without upping the fat will be challenging. Getting enough carbs while ditching stuff like cereal, potatoes and rice will be tough as well. Low-fat milk and yogurt may help.

I'm reading Enter the Zone. I guess my next step is to determine my lean body mass and calculate my protein requirements.

In other news, KAD has started doing CrossFit Kids workouts for her summer S & C program. We intersperse soccer-specific skill training into the daily CF Kids WOD. So far, she's having a blast and looking forward to when she can do more pull-ups than me. That time may not be far off...

Despite my cold, I got in both a swimming workout and the main site WOD today:


Warmup - 200 swim, 200 kick

Skill/Drill - 4 x 100 on 2:30 (all freestyle)
25 6-beat switch
25 catch-up drill
25 fist swim
25 swim

Main set: Freestyle
2 x 50 on 1:00 25 easy, 25 sprint
2 x 50 on 1:00 25 sprint, 25 easy
2 x 50 on 1:00 Sprint flags, easy walls
2 x 50 on 1:00 Sprint walls, easy flags

Cool down - easy 200

CF Workout:

Buy-in: 1 x CFWU, 10 MB cleans (20#)

WOD: Power cleans, 7 x 1

Warmup sets:
  • 5 x 45#
  • 5 x 55#
Work sets:
  • 1 x 60#
  • 1 x 65#
  • 1 x 65#
  • 1 x 70#
  • 1 x 75#
  • 1 x 85#
  • 1 x 95# (matches previous PR)
I built these up slowly because I haven't done power cleans since I injured my elbow back in January. No problem getting the weights up, but my elbow was aching by the last rep. Not an "oh shit, injury" ache, but a "I haven't been used lately" ache. I suspect I could go heavier, but I need a form check first. I tried to get KAD to take video, but she was cranky and tired and hungry and wanted to go home. It wasn't a battle worth fighting at that point. I'll get some video for you soon, Jason.

Cash out: None. Took the kid home to feed her.

1 comment:

Ev said...

95# clean. Nice ;)