Friday, May 8, 2009

More Diet Decisions and Mr. Joshua

After an email discussion with Ev, I've decided to really try to do something about my diet. Most of the time, I don't pay attention to what I eat, so I figured that the best way to start would be to figure what my current diet looks like. I've created an account on Fitday and for two weeks, I'm going to track what I eat without making any major changes. Once I figure out what exactly I'm putting into my body, hopefully it will be easier to make adjustments.

I've never been a big sugar person, so battling sugar cravings won't be a problem. Salt cravings are a completely different matter. Those are mostly dealt with by forbidding things like Lay's Classic Potato Chips to take up residence in my pantry. I'll cry when it becomes clear that I have to give my morning Cheerios. The biggest challenge may be trying to maintain a sensible diet while also trying to feed three other people, including a 6-foot, 135-pound teenager who moves through my kitchen like a locust.

Thursday 7 May 09:

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 air squats
10 situps
10 pushups
10 supermans

Deadlift warmup: 5 x 95#; 5 x 115#

WOD: "Mr. Joshua" (Pack scale)

3 rounds for time:
400m run
15 GHD situps (subbed incline situps)
15 DLs (115#)

Time - 14:26 (4:14/5:00/5:12)

That's 45 seconds faster than last time, and I went 10# heavier on the DLs this time. Did the runs on the treadmill set at a 7:40 pace. The last 400m run was a real killer. I caved and slowed the pace. That's one thing about the treadmill - it keeps you honest. You have to make a conscious decision to slow down. My splits this time were also more even. Last time they were 4:13/4:52/6:06. Overall, I'm pleased with the effort.

Cash out: Pigeon pose (1:00 each side); Iguana stretch

1 comment:

Ev said...

Ha ha ha ha. Your son is like a swarm of hungry locusts, huh? Sounds like a teenage boy. The tracking is a great thing; really eye opening. Keep up the good work :)