Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas List

Yes, I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet. So what? Christmas shopping lasts all year now anyway.

I don't usually have a specific Christmas list. I'm pretty easy to please, and I like surprises, so I leave my wishes to the judgment of my family (half the fun is anticipating what the kids will choose). But like all CFer's I know, I covet equipment and the dream of eventually having a garage gym.

Top 3 for this year:

Elite Rings

Kettlebell (16kg)

Pullup bar

I promise I've been (mostly) good, Santa....


Daniel said...

Hey Jenn,

I think I'm going to have some CF items on my Christmas list, too...though I don't think anyone in my family will actually get me a kettlebell. If they do, though, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to guess what it is before I open it.

You mentioned trying to find a climbing gym in your area, so I thought maybe you would find this helpful:

Jenn said...

Thanks for the link, Daniel. There's a place in Greensboro that I'll check out. I was hoping to find a place in Winston-Salem because my daughter wants to have a climbing birthday party, and I'm not really keen on hauling a dozen 10 year-olds to Greensboro. :p

If I get even one CF item for Christmas, I'll be happy.