Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm a sports parent - does that make me crazy?

You'd think with the economy in the tank, traveling for kids' sports would one of the first things on the chopping block. But no....

We've spent the last two weekends on the road with KAD, one for a soccer tournament in Raleigh and this past one in Knoxville, TN for a swim meet. While we certainly enjoy these events, I know we're going to have a severe case of buyer's remorse when those hotel costs show up on the next credit card bill. Next weekend we're back in Raleigh for yet another soccer tournament, this time for Son.

On the other hand, KAD's soccer team has enjoyed a nice string of successes in tournaments, and the CASL Shootout in Raleigh was no exception. They advanced to the championship game, which they lost 2-0 to a team from Maryland that is apparently ranked #6 in the nation (don't get me started on having national rankings for 10 year-old girls...).

KAD's soccer is finished (at least until January) and that means swimming is kicking into high gear. Knoxville this past weekend, which may have been worth the trip just to see UT's new aquatic center. Wow. Fifty meter pool with a bulkhead in the middle to make two 25-yard competition pools. Lots of deck space for the swimmers and spectator seating for parents. Of course, we got all the way there before I realized I'd forgotten the camera, so no pics, dammit. The only complaints I had about the place were the cost of concessions (which rivaled a movie theater) and the grand scoreboard/timing system, which glitched and caused delays all weekend long.

Oh, and KAD didn't like the water temperature. Too cold.

I have to wonder how long it will be until economic realities catch up with competitive youth sports. In our area, it's not unusual to spend $1100+ a year on competitive soccer, and that doesn't include uniforms, tournament fees, travel costs or off-season training. We continue because the kids enjoy it, and honestly, so do Hubby and I. But I can see a time coming when we won't be able to keep it up.

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