Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

funny pictures

That seems to be the way of things at the Y here. Every January, all the folks who make resolutions to "lose weight" or "get fit" flock to the Y like politicians to wealthy donors. The place is a zoo at the first of the year, and despite the economy, this year doesn't look to be any different. The Y's 5 membership office desks were three-deep with people waiting to join, and I saw at least half a dozen more staffers giving tours. In another week, the fitness room will be butt-to-nut with noobs.

Fortunately (or not), most of the noobs keep those resolutions about as long as a politician keeps a campaign promise. So my own New Year's resolution is to be patient and flexible and hope that I can get through the first six weeks of the year without too much disruption to my routine (such that it is).

Buy-in: 2 rounds of 5 DU's, 10 wallballs (20#), 10 back extensions, 5 pullups
Note: First time trying DU's and wallballs - a little awkward on DU's with no rhythm, but I CAN do them! Wallballs are much more fun than thrusters.

WOD: Deadlifts and Bench Presses

Deadlift 5x5
  • Warmup sets @ 65#, 95#, 115#
  • 5 x 5 @ 132#
Bench Press - decided to do a 1RM, since I didn't have one for this exercise
  • Warmup sets of 5 @ 45#, 3 @ 65#, 3 @ 85#
  • 1 @ 95#
  • 1 @ 100#
  • 1 @ 105#
  • 1 @ 110# (1RM)
  • 115# - fail
Thoughts: Deadlift weight was the same as the last time I did them. I thought about going up to 135# starting with the 3rd set, but I was having a little trouble keeping my back flat, so increasing the weight didn't seem like a bright idea. Failed on the BP at 115# (glad I had a spotter!), but I definitely think I can get that weight up. Three warmup sets was probably a bit much, and I should have started my 1 work sets at 100# instead of 95#.

Cash out: 3 x 5 kipping pullups
10 DU's (managed to get 3 strung together, but still no rhythm)
2 x hollow holds @ :30
3 x handstand holds @ :20 (managed an unsupported hold for 5 seconds on the first one!)

I also did a mishmash of stuff with one of the trainers - some pistols, ab wheels, medicine ball tosses, but nothing organized. Just playin'.


Daniel said...

Wow, 110 is an impressive bench! What is that in terms of bodyweight?

We used to belong to the Y too, back when we were big on spinning. I remember the glut of new years newbs - sadly, they typically go straight to reading magazines on the elliptical, and can't stand the mindless tedium and poor results, and fall off the wagon within a month.

Someday, maybe the truth will penetrate the mass consciousness...though I don't have much hope.

Jenn said...

Thanks, Daniel. 110# is 87% of my body. Whoa, I didn't realize that until just now.

On the cynical upside, the fact that most of the noobs will drop off after six weeks means more space for me in the fitness room. I love my Y, but it has 12,000 members and is badly in need of a facilities expansion.

Ev said...

Ditto what Daniel said re: your bench. Go guns!!!
"In another week, the fitness room will be butt-to-nut with noobs." So funny. You're right, they'll drop off in about a month.