Sunday, January 18, 2009

Motivated by KAD

I wasn't really sure I would work out this weekend. We got got up before 5 AM both Saturday and Sunday to drive KAD to her swim meet over in Hillsborough. Silly me, I thought that when she turned 11 and moved up to swim in the "big kid" sessions, the friggin' 6:30 AM warmup times would be a thing of the past. Apparently not.

Saturday was...meh. KAD is not a morning person, and trying to get her out of bed at 5 AM is like trying to wake the dead. And when the dead awakens, she has bed head and attitude. Not a pleasant way to start your day. She dressed, crawled into the car and promptly went back to sleep, which meant going through the whole "wake the dead" ritual when we got to the pool. We were late, which caused her coach to fuss at her, which did nothing to improve her already foul mood. Then she had two poor swims, and that didn't help either.

So when she came to me before her third race complaining of a stomachache, my first thought was that she just didn't want to swim. The event she wanted to skip, the 50 free, is her favorite event and the one where she is closest to qualifying for regionals. But the poor kid was in tears, and I could feel the distension in her belly. The only way she could keep from crying was to stayed curled up in a ball on the bleachers. I called the coach over and told her that I was scratching KAD from the 50 free. Then the coach asked if KAD was going to skip the last relay as well. I said yes, but then KAD asked if there were going to be enough girls to make a relay if she didn't swim. The coach said no, that the relay would have to scratch as well.

KAD looked at me and said, "Mom, I'll swim the relay. I don't want to make everyone else miss it." Even though she could hardly stand up straight on the blocks, she gutted her way through it so that the team could participate. I was very proud of her.

She felt much better today, despite the early wake-up, and swam very well. She dropped significant chunks of time in all her events and came home very pleased with herself.

Even though I was worn out from the early mornings and travel this weekend, I figured that if my 11year-old could gut her way through a swim meet with an upset stomach, then I could shake off some fatigue and get my ass to the gym.

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 OHS w/dowel
10 incline situps
10 back extensions
10 walking lunges

WOD: Back squat 5x5
  • Warmup sets @ 45#, 65#, 95#
  • Work sets 5x5 @ 110#
Split jerks 3x5
  • Warmup set @ 45#
  • Work sets 3x5 @ 55#
Thoughts: The squats felt really good. I added 5# to the bar this week to bring the weight up to 110#, and got through the 5x5 straight across. In fact, it didn't feel any heavier than the 105's I did last time. So I'm gonna add 5# next week and see how it goes.

I kept the push jerks light and concentrated on leg drive. Stil nervous about moving too much weight with my upper body. Experimented some with my grip/hand placement on the bar for the jerks, and found the it seemed to go up more easily when I kept my grip fairly narrow, with my hands close to my shoulders.

Cash out: Leg raises 3x10

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