Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Meeting Mr. Joshua

Pulled this one off the main page and, amazingly enough, actually did it on the day it was scheduled. This was my first meeting with Mr. Joshua, and he's an ass-kicker for sure.

Buy-in: 5:00 rowing
10 GHD situps (testing my Smith machine setup)
DL's - 8 @ 65#, 5 @ 95#, 5 @ 105#

WOD: "Mr. Joshua" (Pack scale)
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
15 GHD situps
15 DLs, 105#

Time: 15:11

Thoughts: I did the Pack scaling to try to keep this fairly short, but in retrospect I probably should have subbed 200m runs to make it a more true "heavy" metcon. All the runs were on the dreadmill at about a 7:45 pace. Actually, the dreadmill might have made it worthless for 200m runs, given how long it takes to get the damn thing up to speed. DLs really suck the life out of my legs and I swear someone dropped a piano on my back during the last run. When I finished, I sat my ass down on a bench and just breathed for 10 minutes. I love how much these metcons suck.

Cash out: Sucking for air, stretching.


Unknown said...

thats a very good time for that. why don't you work on sprints more on the treadmill as a post-workout aid. Get that time up so you can blow through heavy metcons and runs faster.

Ev said...

Great work! This is awesome: "I love how much these metcons suck." I know exactly what you mean. It doesn't have to be fun to be fun!