Friday, January 16, 2009

Gotta get goin'

Just a quick post tonight - have to be up early to take KAD to a swim meet tomorrow. At least the early start means I will be home in time to get in a WOD tomorrow.

Buy-in: Mish-mash of stuff - 100 rope skips, 25 GH situps (done on swiss ball), 15 pushups, 3 burpees, 5 KB swings

WOD: 21-15-9
KB swings (25#)

Time: 6:48

Thoughts: This wore me out. I almost forgot how much I effin' hate burpees. And as I lay panting on the living room floor, our cat climbed onto my stomach, flopped down and went to sleep.

Cash out: 20 4-count flutter kicks
20 bridges on swiss ball
10 swiss ball ab rolls

PS - Apropos of nothing whatsoever, "Let's Get Retarded" by the Black-Eyed Peas is a great song to do burpees to.


Rebecca said...

LMAO - that sounds just like a kitty!

Yeah - KB swings & burpees? == brutal.

Unknown said...

survey says.... burpees suck.

I did a workout like that today, no fun at all.