Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Putting my Christmas present to good use in my kinda-home-fitness-room

So far, I've used the kettlebell I got for Christmas exactly once in a workout. As a matter of fact, my dad has hauled around more than I have. He brought it back from Michigan in the trunk of his car, which means he loaded it into the car, unloaded it from the car, and carried it up the stairs into my house. And he's 75 years old. I should be ashamed of myself.

I was racking my brains today trying to come up with a heavy metcon that I could do at the house because, quite frankly, doing a WOD in the rain at the squishy soccer field in High Point didn't appeal to me. Inspiration didn't strike until I tripped over the damn kettlebell in my living room.

But what to do with the KB? Swings are an obvious choice. Cleans, snatches and high pulls are out of the question right now because of my elbow. Hubby put the kebosh on any release moves in the living room. I tried Turkish Get Ups, but 25# is still a bit heavy for those. Creativity (at least in exercise) does not appear to be one of my strong suits. But I finally came up with the following WOD, which I was going to call Kettlebell Fran, but I like Kettlebell Jenn better. :p

Buy-in: Arms swings, hip and knee rotations, 100 rope skips
3 rounds:
10 OHS w/broomstick
10 GH situps (used swiss ball with feet hooked under the couch)
10 pushups
10 supermans

WOD: AMRAP in 10:00 (used 25# KB)
21 KB swings
15 KB thrusters
9 bench dips

Total: 3 rounds + 21 swings + 15 thrusters + 5 dips

Thoughts: As with most metcons, this sounded easier than it was. I made it through the first round doing all the exercises unbroken. Second round, I had to catch my breath halfway through the thrusters. Third round, only the dips were unbroken. Thrusters were broken up not only because I had to catch my breath, but I had a dire fear I was going to drop the KB and break my foot, or worse, put a dent in my living room floor.

Cash out: 3 x hollow holds (:45/:30/:30)
Inhale a bowl of leftover beef stew before taking Number One Son to High Point

On a somewhat related note, my living room is slowly turning into my workout room. I started doing BW metcons in there because it's fairly open and has a decent-sized rug over the hardwood floor. Now, in addition to my nice furniture, it has a couple of swiss balls, a jump rope, a broomstick, a foam roller and a kettlebell. In the near future, I can picture a couple more kettlebells, and perhaps a pullup bar across one of the doorways.

This drives my mother bonkers. It's a formal living room (as opposed to a den or family room). In her mind, that means it's there for show, not for actual use. The best furniture and art are in there. It should be as dust-free as an Intel clean room. One is not to sit on the sofa as much as perch on its edge, and then only on special occasions. The kids and the cat should never be in there unsupervised. You can only imagine how she reacted when she came in and found me merrily swinging a kettlebell in the midst of the finery. Well, I wasn't merrily swinging it, but you get the idea.

But we have this funny way of actually living in our house. IMO, it's really too big for just the four of us, and we have this thing about using stuff we buy. So the formal dining room has fine china and a nice big table where we stack mail, catalogs and all the work Hubby brings home from his office. The formal living room has become an informal fitness room, as well as a repository for KAD's guitar and music books along with a collection of Christmas tins and baskets while I decide what to do with them.

Heck, if the room was big enough, I'd abandon all pretense and install a lifting platform and squat rack. If only....


Ev said...

Lucky for you, you have a wealth of information in MB/Fawn Friday and others on the web!
Nice workout creation!
It sounds like the fixed weight may be the limiting factor. Too light for some things and too heavy for others. But that's okay. Additional exercises to add to your repetoire-(do each for left and right arm):
Cleans: hang power clean, full squat clean
Push Press
Push Jerk
Bench Press
I'm sure I'm missing something here. Have fun!

Rebecca said...

Ev, I think you missed the part where she said those were out due to her owie elbow :-p

I love that you have defied your mother's preconceptions of what a formal living room should be and turned it into your workout room. My mom would be similarly horrified, i think. She already thinks I work out too much!

I definitely concur with the concept of using the space you have and using the stuff you own. The idea that things or whole areas should only be used for special occasions runs counter to my conservationist nature.

Way to be a rebel! ;-)

Unknown said...

oh yes I agree, the board interaction is the best but the blog is more personal and allows me to just write. And yes I tried the boiled peanuts and they were pretty good, totally different from what I am used to but I liked them.

Ev said...

Sorry about that. Are you getting your elbow looked at?

Jenn said...

Rebecca - LOL. I should probably use the basement to work out, but Hubby would freak if I started swinging a KB anywhere near his flat-panel LCD. :p

Evelyn - I haven't gotten the elbow looked at, because I have a morbid fear of doctors. Actually, I just have a morbid fear of doctors' bills.