Tuesday, January 13, 2009

You can sleep when you're dead...

This time of year always brings major suckage for me in terms of time management. The convergence of swimming, basketball and soccer seasons happens in late January/early February, and I still haven't figured out how to be in three places at once. Here's what my calendar looks like for the next month:

On top of all this, the captain of my old soccer team has asked me to come back and play again for the spring season. I'd love to play, but I'm not sure I want to give up what few free days I have on the weekends for the next 3 months.

So you can see why I have some trouble with my programming. I'm not sure I can maintain the kind of strength-centric program I'd like to do with my schedule. Following the main page or doing metcon-centric WODs meant that I didn't necessarily have to be at the Y; a lot of those can be done on a playground or at the soccer parks where I spend so much of my time. But I absolutely HAVE to be at the Y to lift, because I just don't have the equipment at home (and I won't even be at home that much!). Plus the Y is starting the masters' swim team back up in February, and I've agreed to coach it. I have trouble saying "no" sometimes. So sleep gets sacrificed to everything else I want to do. :p

Actually, I could probably make the strength program work if I put a lot of effort into planning it. Unfortunately, planning is not one of my strong points. I've spent much of my adult working life pulling things out of my ass, and I'm very good at that. My jobs have been well-suited to that strength. Maybe it's time to teach myself a new trick.

Speaking of pulling stuff out, here's my WOD from last Friday (Jan 9, 2009):

Buy-in: 3 rounds of
100m jogging
20 walking lunges
10 medicine ball DLs (20# ball)

WOD: "Kelly - Redux"
3 rounds for time of:
400m run
30 box jumps (used a 22" step)
30 wallballs (20# ball - subbed MB squats)

Time: 17:35
400 times - 1:57/2:09/2:16
Round splits - 4:56/6:08/6:31

Thoughts: Obviously, I died after the first round. My runs weren't as bad as I thought they might be, given that I haven't run at all in over a month. Box jumps continue to be a goat. *sigh* I guess I have no excuse not to work on them while I'm taking it easy on my elbow. Dammit.

Cash out: 3 rounds of:
10 DU's (done mostly by alternating 1 DU/1 SU)
Farmer's walk w/20# MB, one trip up and down the stairs

Decided to take the weekend off, both to give my elbow a break and because of kids' games. KAD had a basketball game and Son had an indoor soccer tournament that lasted all day. My mom decided that KAD really needs a cell phone, and so she bought one for her on Saturday. So I spent all day Sunday getting the plan straightened out, figuring out how to add ringtones without paying for them and various other tasks related to the new phone. Jeez, Mom, can't you indulge your grandkids with candy, like Grandma did with me?

Workout for Monday 12 January 08:

Buy-in: 2 rounds of
10 OHS w/dowel
15 incline situps
10 back extensions
10 lunges

This was supposed to be 3 rounds, but the squat racks were full when I got there, and I jumped in the first one that came open. So I did an extra warmup set of squats.

WOD: Strength

Back squat 5x5
  • Warmup sets @ 45#, 65#, 85#, 95#
  • 5 x 5 @ 105#
Presses: 3 x 5 @ 45#

The squats felt pretty good - think I might be ready to increase the weight. Took a couple of videos with my cell phone camera - the quality isn't all that great and one of them is sideways, but any feedback you want to offer will be appreciated (except for comments about the size of my ass and/or legs - I know about those already). :p

My elbow was feeling pretty good, so I tried some light sets of presses to test it out. No problems, but I didn't press my luck (hee) with heavier weight. Good thing, too, since I nearly tore it apart with a power drill later that afternoon.

Cash out: 3 rounds of:
10 hanging leg lifts
5 floor wipers (45# bar)
Pistols - 5 ea leg (done standing on a weight bench)


Ev said...

Things I've learned from my mistakes that may apply here:
re: programming, keep your routines simple.
re: adding to your repetoire, be advised: if you do too much metcon and try to pile strength programming on top of that it is likely to backfire: decreased strength, overtraining and the whole assortment of annoying things that come with that. I would consider picking one or the other or cutting back significantly on metcon, especially given that you're doing a million other things.

re: the video, try to skip that the little dance that you do right before you squat. Make sure you have your hand, arm, shoulder etc positions exactly right before you take bar off the rack. Then take four steps, two back and two to get your feet out to where you want them--a little wider than hip width. Then no more foot shuffling. Just go. I'm still trying to break the shuffle habit. It will pay off when you go heavier not to waste the extra steps and deliberately stepping back like that makes you more focused (this last is just my theory).
Finally, I didn't see any fat asses, unless you're referring to that guy that was walking behind you. He's gotta lose the yellow shirt too :)
Glad to hear your elbow is feeling better!

Jenn said...

I didn't realize I was jigging until I saw the video - it's pretty bad. :p

I'm trying to stick to a hybrid program of strength (5x5's of the basic lifts) and heavy metcons. I also like to whine, so that's part of it. :p

Unknown said...

your schedule looks like a lot of fun ;)

yea you do need to break that shuffle habit for sure, get planted and drop that ass back and down.