Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Nancy" Day

Another first for me today - Nancy.

Buy-in: Bike ride to Y (~1 mile)
Coach Boz warmup
Burgerner warmup

WOD: "Nancy" (Pack scale)
5 rounds for time of:

400m run (done on dreadmill @ 1% grade)
15 OHS (35#)

Time - 15:45
Splits - 3:09/3:10/3:07/3:06/3:13

The main change needed for this is heavier OHS's. Because I haven't done weighted OHS's often, I wanted to stay conservative with the weight. 35# was too easy, though.

Frustration with the treadmill abounds. The Y will not allow me to leave it running (safety), and it just takes too damn long to get the thing up to a good speed (7.5 min/mile pace). Between transition time and getting the treadmill up to speed, all of my runs took at least 2:15. For many other lifts (thrusters, presses, front squats, etc), I will take dumbbells and go to the upstairs track. But the OHS doesn't really seem to lend itself as well to a DB substition. The whole lift is different with DBs. Maybe I can sneak an Oly bar out of the weight room...

Cash out: Pullups 6-5-4-3-2-1 Worked my kip, which actually seems to be okay if I'm trying to go fast and I don't really think about it.
Muscle-up transitions.

1 comment:

Ev said...

Aha! "35# was too easy"!!! Atta girl. Try a 45# barbell next time. I would wager you can go heavier even than that.