Friday, July 10, 2009

Major modification

Went back to the main page today after a couple of days off. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to go about training for the triathlon next month. I don't have the time for 2-a-days (doing main page WOD and the CFE WOD), and I'm wondering if alternating between between the main page and CFE daily is going to give me everything I need. Not to mention that I've pretty much neglected swimming since the City Meet - that's a calculated risk though, since the swim is by far my strongest event. Based on last year's results, I'm going to be one of the first women out of pool. Then I'm going to get smoked on the bike leg. :p

Anyway, I jumped back to the main page today, with a major modification because I couldn't get to the Y.

Buy-in: 2 rounds CFWU - no pullups, bench dips

WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Front squats (subbed 25# goblet squats with a KB)
GHD situps (subbed pseudo-GHDs done on an ab ball with my feet hooked under the couch)

Time - 5:23

I could tell I haven't done squats of any weight for quite a while - my butt and hanstrings were crying about halfway through the WOD.

Cash out: Headstand/frog stand/handstand practice with KAD.

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