Saturday, July 4, 2009

First try at "Randy"...first try at snatches, for that matter

I've been putting it off and putting it off. I've been Crossfitting for over a year, and until now I've made no real attempt at one of the foundational movements - the overhead squat. Well, caveat that. Until now, I've made no attempt to do it with anything other than a dowel or broomstick, or outside of the CFWU.

Until now, I've also made no attempt at one of the major lifts - the snatch. Honestly, I've just been afraid of it. Afraid of trying to take a weight directly from the floor to overhead. Afraid of hurting my elbow. Afraid of hurting my back. Just basically letting fear dictate.

I finally decided, "F*** that. I'm not really a CFer until I can do these." So today, in a frenzy of overachievement, I did both of these movements.

Buy-in: Burgener warm-up
10 x dowel
3 x 5 x 35#
Pressing snatch balance:
10 x dowel
5 x 35#
Power snatch 10 x dowel

WOD: "Randy" (Pack scale)
50 reps power snatch, 35#
Time - 7:32

This actually felt pretty good. Of course, the weight was light and I really don't have a clue what my form was like. I tried to keep the points from the Burgerner warm-up in mind - shrug, high elbows, jump under the bar, etc.

Cash out: L-sit hold - :20
30 x pseudo-GHD situps


Rebecca said...

Those look pretty good to me. It doesn't look like you're bending your arms before you are at full extension, you back is nice and flat at the start, they're powerful and quick, and you definitely catch the bar above your head - you're not pressing it out the last few inches.

There could be plenty of stuff I'm not seeing, but I've definitely seen worse. :-)

Ev said...

That's a lotta snatching in a short time. Short but sweet!