Friday, February 20, 2009

A raging case of the Hungries

Oh, but folks lately I have been spotted
With a Big Mac on my breath
Stumbling into a Colonel Sanders
With a face as white as death
I'm afraid someday they'll find me
Just stretched out on my bed
With a handful of Pringles Potato Chips
And a Ding Dong by my head

--Larry Groce, Ballad of a Junk Food Junkie

I have no idea why, but lately I've felt like I just could not get enough to eat. My munchies have been so bad you'd think I was a pothead. Even my husband commented on it. I don't normally keep a food log, but here is a partial listing of my intake for the last couple of days:

2 eggs, cereal, milk, coffee
Yogurt w/blueberries, coffee, water
Big bowl of Indian stew over brown rice (at least 2 cups, maybe more), spinach salad, apple, Propel
2 granola bars, water
4 slices of pizza, 10 hot wings, water
3 big scoops of ice cream

2 eggs, cereal, milk, toast, coffee
Bagel w/cream cheese, coffee, water
Pork chop (4 oz or so), salad, water, cheese and triscuits, yogurt, milk
2 big handfuls of nuts, apple, water
Leftover Indian stew, peanut butter sandwich, ice cream, milk

I probably ate more than that, but that's what I can remember right now. The fact that my stomach was growling at 3AM makes me think that I may be just as hungry today.

Yesterday's workout:

Buy-in: 2 rounds
15 air squats
15 situps
20 walking lunges
10 pushups (only 1 round of these)
10 stair hops

WOD: 3 rounds for time
1/4 mile run (2:02/2:10/2:12)
25 KB swings (25#)
25 situps

Time - 11:58 (3:43/4:06/4:07)

When I measured my run (a loop around the parking lot at Wesleyan Academy), it turned out to be .26mi. So I'm pretty pleased with my run splits - kept them all under a 9:00/mile pace. All the situps were unbroken. The first set of KB swings was unbroken, then they were 20/5 and 15/10.

Cash out: goblet squats 2 x 10 @ 25#
15 minutes Coerver soccer drills and shooting


Ev said...

Do you want some unsolicited feedback on your diet? I too have oft suffered from incessant hunger even though eating plenty of food. I have some thoughts.

Unknown said...

That is a great time for that wod. I think you really killed that.

as far as the food goes, there are days when I am RAVENOUS... it gets bad those days, I just eat a ton of food and I'm not satisfied.

Jenn said...

I'd like to hear your thoughts, Ev.

Days like those don't happen to me that often. I was amazed by how much I ate.