Friday, February 6, 2009


At restraint and common sense, that is. Right after Jay warned me about that, too.

The doc told me on Wednesday to lay off the arm for a while. I told him I would and I intended to, I really did. I even psyched myself up to run at Son's soccer practice last night (epic fail on that as well, but that's another story).

So what did I do today? Saw a WOD on the main site archive that I just had to try. "Just a little deadlifting" I told myself. "I'm not going to be lifting that heavy. It will be fine." And miracles of miracles, the fitness room at the Y was not crowded at all (maybe the NYR noobs are giving up earlier this year). The planets were aligned for me.

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 lunges
15 situps
10 supermans
10 goblet squats (12# DB)

WOD: Deadlifts and Box jumps

21 - 15 - 9
Box jumps, 18"
Deadlifts, 115#

Time: 8:59

Despite the fact that I utterly blew off my doctor, this turned out all right. It was a gasser, though - I didn't even get through the first round on DLs without a break. I kept my right hand in a supinated grip, and the only elbow pain I had came from trying to load and unload the plates from the bar. Five hours later and the elbow doesn't hurt any more than it did at work today. However, I'm not sure I can keep doing this, so I have to discipline myself a little better.

Cash out: Stretching. KAD came in from swim practice and was ready to go home because she was "STARVING!!!"

Couple other notes:
It looks like the Y is starting to embrace CrossFit to some degree. I saw one of the trainers putting a woman through Fight Gone Bad, and things like boxes, rings and KBs have started showing up in the equipment room. Now if they could just get a real pullup bar...

I got a few looks at my squat video on th CF boards. Seems I'm lacking some hip drive. Gonna have to concentrate on pushing my butt up.


Rebecca said...

You will be a sad panda if you accidentally do more damage to your elbow, Jenn. There are plenty of exercises that won't stress it out. Box jumps, squats (air, weighted, jumping), lunges, running, etc.

Take care of yourself! :-p

Unknown said...

stubbornness is a bastard isn't it.

take care of the elbow first, don't do any further damage. Just when you think it is ok, it flares back up... that will happen if you keep trying to push it too much too soon.

Ev said...

Sounds like you've been hearing plenty of "be careful," so I'll spare you that--since you already know! LOL. Good work on your gasser and a little stubborness is not a bad thing; glad to hear you're so committed. As for your Y's attitude towards CrossFit: awesome!!! Bug them for bars!

Jenn said...

Well, the good news is that the elbow doesn't hurt any more than it has been recently, so I guess I didn't do any more damage. Keeping my right hand supinated in the alternating grip probably helped.