Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kettlebell Kickers

I honestly don't know what I'd do if I didn't have the kettlebell that my sister-in-law gave me for Christmas. When I have time for a workout, but not enough time to get the gym, I can usually come up with something good and painful involving the KB.

Those of you with gutter minds can fill in your own blanks.

Anyway, that's the situation I found myself in Friday evening. Son went to Asheville, KAD was at a birthday party and as I readied myself for a trip to the Y, Hubby called and wanted to get Thai takeout and watch a movie. In order to do all this before KAD came home, I was going to have to forego a trip to the Y. So I grabbed the KB, engaged the brain for about 30 seconds and came up with a WOD.

Buy-in: 3 rounds of
15 air squats
15 situps
15 KB deadlifts
10 KB good mornings

WOD: 5 rounds for time of:
10 KB swings (25#)
10 KB thrusters (25#)
10 squat jumps

Time: 9:05

Thoughts: Definitely need another KB, probably a 1-pood. Swings with the 25# are getting to be pretty easy, although the thrusters and squat jumps gassed me pretty well. Also need a better jump rope - my original intent was to do double-unders, but I can't swing my cheap rope fast enough. I threw it aside for squat jumps about 15 seconds in.

Cash out: Gasp for air, eat Thai takeout and watch Animal House.

Saturday's WOD was three hours of walking around the local soccer complex, doing trash pickup duty at KAD's tournament. According to MapMyRun, I covered about 4 miles.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

buy plate loaded bells. Not the same as a cannonball shape, but they work well. and you can adjust them without having to buy all new bells. I use the olympic loaded ones and love them