Saturday, February 21, 2009

No cure yet

I'm back on virus patrol at work. Five and a half hours at one of my middle schools yesterday, re-imaging 60+ infested PCs. Finish up at 7 PM, only to be notified that it had cropped up in the elementary school across the street. So I shut down the elementary school's WAN link and went home. I'll deal with that one on Monday. Scary thing is, this virus popped up in our school system only 8 hours after Trend Micro had published it as a threat in the wild, so they had no definitions for it yet. Hopefully by Monday...

Needless to say, between contamination containment duty, Son's soccer and KAD's sleepover tonight, there has been no working out to speak of. Perhaps tomorrow.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Sounds nasty :-( Good luck finding some time for you! ... maybe you can organize a Sleepover WOD! :-D