Friday, February 13, 2009

Dave, I love you but I hate you

I was in a metcon-type mood today. Not a short heavy metcon mood, but pining for the longer "this is really gonna suck" kind of metcon mood. So I went scrounging around some of my friends' logs on the CF boards and found this one posted by Dave Coughlin.

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 air squats
10 situps
10 supermans
10 MB presses (12#)

Pistols - 2 x 5 each leg
Right leg is much stronger on these than my left leg.

WOD: 3 round for time
25 box jumps (18")
25 wallballs (20#) - did thrusters with the ball instead of throwing it
25 DB swings (25#)
25 floor wipers (20# MB)

Time - 24:37 (7:07/8:32/8:58)

I'm not sure there's an official name for this suckfest, but when I finished, I just lay the fuck down right where I was (right by the doorway to the spin class) and made people step over me. Man, it seems like I have lost a ton of endurance. Either that, or this particular combination of exercises just killed me. The floor wipers really took a lot out of me - I suspect it took me 10 - 12 minutes just to do those. BTW, DB swings =! KB swings. For whatever reason, DB swings seem harder - maybe it's just the way I grip the DB. I feel a major case of DOMS coming on....

Cash out: None. Too busy breathing.

I don't how the hell Dave did 5 rounds of this, but my hat's off to him.


Daniel said...

Interesting. Looks like an adaptation of Kelly.

I find dumbbell swings to be much harder...or at least much more annoying than KB swings. If you hold them sensibly (ie, by the handle), then my hands are too big and it crushes my knuckles. That leaves "suicide-grip" (holding it by the plates), which is a more accurate sensation of the work, but feels like you're going to kill yourself or someone else at any moment.

I've never done floor wipers, and had to google them. Looks tough! Good job pushing through.

Dave said...

Nice job on the suckfest, Jenn! I did the WOD at my local Affiliate, and that's the ONLY way I was able to get in five rounds....if that was on my own, I'd be one round, and on to something else! Glad to bring the pain for a day, I'm sure you'll get me back when I start hitting you up for pool workouts!

I only go 1-2x a week, but you should check out their site for good WODs. Lots of suckfests in the Archives: