Tuesday, February 3, 2009

More Homemade Stuff

Starting to feel some frustration. Because of the @*&#)$ elbow, I am reduced to just one basic lift right now - the squat. And even that may need to change from low bar to high bar I'm not sure I can bend my fucking arm enough to get in proper low bar position. We'll see when I go to the gym tomorrow.

I guess the good news is that the frustration has overcome my dislike of doctor visits. (note - I'm not afraid of the doctor, just his bills) Once I realized I couldn't deadlift any more, I called the doc. I have an appointment with a sports medicine guy tomorrow afternoon and hopefully he can tell why I can't even open the damn door with my right hand. And then hopefully I can stop subjecting y'all to my constant bitching about it.

So I'm still doing my homemade WODs. I try to include KB swings in just about all of them, since that seems to be the only upper body movement I can do without pain.

Buy-in: 3 rounds of
15 air squats to box
10 GHD situps
10 back extensions
10 lunges

WOD: "Dirty 30 Modified"

30 box jumps (18")
30 KB swings (25#)
30 walking lunges
30 GHD situps
30 back extensions
30 front squats w/25# KB
30 wimpy burpees (no pushup)
30 tuck jumps

Time: 12:22

Obviously, this was heavily modified - no pullups, no push presses, front squats instead of thrusters, etc. With all the leg work, I may be jumping like LeBron before too long.

Cash out: 10 crunches, 20 four-count flutter kicks, 20 four-count Hello Dollys, 1:00 plank hold.


Rebecca said...

Glad you have an appointment to see about your elbow. Hope the doc helps you figure out how to fix it!

Ev said...

Sorry about your owie elbow. I hope it gets resolved soon. Wow, that's a lot of work in just over twelve minutes. Way to go!

Unknown said...

I prefer high bar over low bar.. but that is just me.

and you did well on that workout, very well.

hopefully your elbow clears up soon.