Sunday, February 15, 2009

My daughter kicks serious a$$

I took a rest day yesterday for two reasons. First, as I thought I would, I had a raging case of DOMS in my abs from all the flippin' floor wipers. Heck, I still have DOMS - I could hardly sit up in bed this morning.

Mainly though, I took a rest day so I could go to the Swim-a-Thon with KAD and count her laps for her. The Swim-a-Thon is sanctioned by USA Swimming as a fundraiser for local swimming clubs and as a way to build awareness of youth swimming programs. Some good positive awareness, especially following Michael Phelps' most recent escapade. Each swimmer gathers pledges from family, friends and neighbors to sponsor them for a certain amount per length swum. The swimmers have two hours to complete up to 200 lengths. KAD's goal was to swim 100 lengths in two hours.

She ended up swimming 200 lengths. That's 5000 meters. 5K. 3.1 miles. No matter how you measure it, that's pretty freakin' awesome. I'm so proud of her.

Buy-in: 2 rounds
10 air squats
10 goblet squats (20#)
10 DB deadlifts (20#)

WOD: Deadlift 3 x 5
  • Warmup sets @ 95#, 100#, 115#
  • 3 x 5 @ 135#
Deadlifts continue to be fine as long as I keep my right hand in the supinated position. This was the first time I have successfully used the hook grip with a weight heavier than 115#, so maybe my grip is getting better. I sat in the rack and read the deadlift section of Starting Strength before getting started, then approached the bar very deliberately. Set my feet under the bar, bend my knees until my shins to touch the bar, set my grip, drop my hips and flatten my back. Squeeze the weight up. Felt pretty strong - if it weren't for the damn elbow, I'd be ready to go up in weight.

Cash out: Stationary bike - 3 x .5 miles @ 1:30 RI
Times - 1:37/1:47/2:05


Unknown said...

as long as the elbow isn't affected, carry on with what you are doing. Your workouts are looking good and even with the injury

Ev said...

Glad to hear your finding workouts that don't interfere w/ your elbow. Also, congrats on the grip. Joint strength is very slow to build up (as compared to muscles--has to do w/ blood supply)--but once you've got it it's super helpful.