Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's a "Bear"

After racking my brains for "heavy" metcons, I decided to torture myself with a Bear Complex for time. No thanks to Melissa Byers for this crazy idea. :p

Warmup: 3 x CFWU (pushups instead of dips, no Sampson)

WOD: "Bear Complex"

One round = power clean, front squat, thruster (or push press), back squat, push press
AMRAP in 10:00 @ 65#

Total: 16 rounds + PC

Thoughts: If I had the energy, I'd bitch-slap whoever came up with this waterboard of a WOD. Of course, that means I really like it and will probably do it again before too long. Maybe not a good idea to do it the day after a press session - getting the weight overhead was the limiting factor here. I tried to do as many of the rounds with a thruster as I could, but I'd guess I did at least 4 with a push press after the FS, just because I didn't drive up from the squat hard enough to get the weight overhead. I looked like this after this - just lay on the floor in the rack for a good 5 minutes after I finished.

Cash out: 2:00 plank, 10 x swiss ball rolls to quasi-handstand position. Anything more than that was completely out of the question.

1 comment:

Ev said...

Good for you! I totally agree his is a wicked hard wod (and fun, in a sick way). Whoa, I just realized you did this in 10 minutes, not 20. 16 rounds??? Time to put on more weight, lady. This was too easy! (LOL. I'm so glad I'm thousands of miles away and you can't come bitch slap me in person.)