Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The End of Food-a-palooza...

...which is also known as "the Christmas Trip to the In-laws."

Major accomplishments:

1) Consumption of at least my body weight in steak, ham, potatoes, cookies, cake, alcohol, etc, etc, etc.

2) Acquisition of a kettlebell (kudos to sister-in-law), a new digital camera (yay hubby) and new work-friendly clothes that look good (claps to mom-in-law and sis-in-law)

3) Awesome pictures of kids in snow.

4) Survival of all family members after a week cooped up together. Heck, we all even still like each other.


1) Did not acquire Starting Strength.

2) Did not find an affiliate to visit within reasonable distance - this means there wasn't one in town and I was not willing to drive to Ann Arbor, even if it hadn't been snowing.

3) Did not complete a single WOD.

Time to climb back on the wagon. Will post pics when I get around to getting them off the camera.

1 comment:

Ev said...

Yes, B&N has Starting Strength:

Not sure if your local store does but I'm sure they can order it or you can get it online.

It does not appear that they have Practical Programming but here's the ISBN:
And here it is at Amazon at around $22: