Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fran, Programming and Goal-setting

I was a little leery of trying Fran the day after back squats and bench presses, but I figured if I'm going to start down the strength path, I need to get used to doing heavy metcons after strength days. I'm glad I did, because it helped bring some things into clearer focus - I'll elaborate more on that in a bit.

Buy-in: Arm swings, dislocates, hip/knee rotations, donkey kicks (basically anything to loosen up my DOMS-racked body). Three rounds of 10 squats, 10 situps, 10 pushups, 10 supermans.

Skill: Medicine ball cleans: 3 x 5 @ 20# (I suck at these - add to goat list)

WOD: "Fran"

21 - 15 - 9 of:
Thrusters (45#)

Time: 6:25

Last Fran time (9/16/08) was 7:31.

Thoughts: Ow. This hurt. A lot. I was surprised I went so much faster than last time, given how tired I was from yesterday and the fact that I was pushing more weight on the thrusters this time (45# vs 40#). Pullups needed an assist from my toes after the first 10. I actually did the CrossFit FlopTM afterwards, and someone came over to make sure I wasn't dying. Paperwork, you know.

Cash out: Not much. 3 x hollow holds (:23/:22/:27)

Okay, so how does this tie in to my programming needs? Obviously I'm not doing Fran as Rx'd, even for women. I can probably do several 65# thrusters, but 45 of them? Nuh-uh. Not happening right now. Ergo, I need to be stronger if I ever want to do Fran as Rx'd. Not to mention Diane, Linda, Grace....yadda, yadda yadda.

That brings me to goal-setting. What are my strength goals? What kind of weight do I want to be able to toss around and why?

Well, f*** if I know (just kidding). I want to be stronger. But "getting strong" is not a good goal - not specific. Maybe it would be better if I just deferred to Melissa's recent posts on the importance of strength. She says it way better than I can. Short version - being stronger makes everything else easier. And it lasts longer.

Here's where it gets tricky for me. I suck at setting specific goals, at least for something like this, where I'm not sure what's realistic and what's not. Swimming goals are easy - I want to go 1:11.83 in the 100 IM, because that's the qualifying time for Master's Nationals for my age group. It's a tough goal, but also attainable if I work my ass off for it. Lifting goals I'm not as sure about. What's tough but attainable? Should I use the Athletic Skills benchmarks laid out here?

Melissa was kind enough to share her programming with me, and I'm using that as a starting point as I try to figure out my own specifics.

1RM as of 12/15/08:
  • Back squat 135#
  • Shoulder press 65#
  • Deadlift 165#
  • Power clean 95#
  • Push jerk 95#
Need to get 1 RM for the following: Bench press, push press, front squat, OHS, weighted pullups, weighted dips.


Melissa Urban said...

I just realized I owe you some heavy met-con workouts. I'll send them over to you ASAP. I've got a ton, since I've been working Gant's program on and off for about six months now.

As for setting specific goals, do what we do here at the office - pick a number. If you get three months in and find it's too easy, bump it up. Too hard? Cut it back. Make it a stretch, but not so impossible that you'll end up hurting yourself to get there. Point is - just start somewhere.

For your DL, I highly recommend a 1.5x BW goal. Get some coaching on form (because a small correction in starting position can add 10# to your DL immediately) and then start rocking them out. Pulling 200# plus just sounds (and feels) bad-ass.

Ev said...

That was a FAST Fran! Maybe go for 50-55# next time? With a 95# power clean, my guess is that you have a lot more deadlift in you. I agree w/ Melissa. Get some coaching; I bet you'll surprise yourself.