Friday, December 19, 2008

Deadlifts and presses and a much better day

After my meltdown last night, it really wasn't too difficult to have a better day.Of course, the fact that today was my last day at work until the end of the month helped my mood immensely. I got off an hour early and went to Y to beat the crowd.

Warmup: Arm swings, shoulder dislocates, hip and knee rotations, air squats, walking lunges.

Buy-in: 5:00 rowing (967m)

WOD: Strength

Deadlift 3x5
  • Warmup sets @ 65#, 95#, 115#
  • Work sets 3x5 @ 132# (80% 1RM)
Press 5x5
  • Warmup set @ 45#
  • Work sets 5x5 @ 52# (80% 1RM)
Cash out: Short metcon - 3 rounds of 15 DB swings (25#) and 5 pullups
Time - 3:17

This workout went a long way toward helping me figure out some things about form, especially on DLs. Since I didn't have to worry too much about actually getting weight off the floor, I was able to concentrate on some of the pointers I picked up at the Starting Strength wiki. Mainly I worked on starting with my shoulder blades above the bar, keeping my lower back arch and driving through my heels. I also tried to work on keeping the bar close to my shins. Note to self - long pants or long socks on DL days! I could tell when everything was clicking, because the weight seemed to come up more easily.

The press was pretty much the same. The weight was not extremely challenging, and allowed me to concentrate on a tight core and full extension at the top.

Overall, much better day today. I'm going to try to get some videos up before too long, to get feedback on form.

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