Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Squatting back into the mix

I know I've been slacking off, but I did get in a simple WOD in the hotel in Wilmington on Sunday morning.


Air squats

I didn't time it, just moved at a steady pace from one exercise to the next. I was very happy to find that I could still do all the pushups unbroken - and with strict form - despite the layoff.

Hit the Y yesterday afternoon for some squats:

Buy-in: 8 x MB cleans (20#); 3 x handstand holds (:30 each)

HS holds are getting better - I found that after kicking up against the wall, I could ease my heels away and maintain a freestanding hold for about 5-7 seconds (using the 1-mississippi, 2-mississippi timing method). With some coaching, I suspect I could be decent at these.

WOD: Squats 5 x 5
  • Warmup sets: 8x45#, 8x65#, 5x85#, 3x95#, 3x105#
  • Work sets: 5 x 5 @ 115#
I could tell I hadn't squatted in a while - the movement just felt "off" and it took a couple of sets to get into a rhythm at the work weight. The 3rd set was the best of the five - I spent the first 2 sets trying to dial in my form and the last two struggling to knock out the 5th rep. Definitely not ready for a jump in weight yet.

Cash out: Push presses - 5 x 45#, 5 x 55#

I had originally intended to do 5 x 5 on the push presses as well, but ran out of time.

1 comment:

Ev said...

Nice. 5 x 5 at 115# is a buttload of work (especially after all that warm up). Well done!