Friday, April 17, 2009

Pity Party, lack of motivation, whatever...this has to stop

Been suffering from a severe lack of motivation lately. I haven't been able to identify any particular cause for it - I've just been letting my normally weak "I don't wanna work out today" thoughts take control of my life.

Some of it may be those old culprits: lack of time and my unpredictable schedule. The weather has been wreaking havoc with my daughter's soccer schedule. I'll get an email at 3:00 that her 5:00 practice has been moved from one side of the county to the other because of wet fields, or that the game she was supposed to have has been canceled (again). I'm a pretty flexible person, but I can only handle so many changes on the fly. A workout that I have planned for her normal practice field won't happen if the location changes, because I can't go home to change and pick her up - my dad has to bring her to my office and we go to the backup field from here. I'll work out on a wet field in my gym clothes, but not in my work clothes. If it's raining and she practices at the sportsplex, there's no space to work out - it's a small facility and it's almost literally butt-to-nut with parents and players.

Hubby's work schedule doesn't help. If KAD has a game, he takes Son to High Point for his practices. But if KAD's game is canceled, Hubby generally does not want to leave work early (his workplace is 45-50 minutes from the house), which means any free time generated by the canceled game is erased by 3 hours I have to spend in High Point. I guess the real solution is for me to just keep a workout bag in my car all the time. I hate doing that, but it's starting to look like the only way to get in any type of workout. I'm just so tired of fighting the changes all the time.

Okay, pity party over. My bag is in the car today, and I am going directly to the Y after work.


Patrick Haskell said...

There's no substitute for motivation. You either want to work out or you don't. Sometimes the best time to generate that motivation is when you're sitting around the house feeling guilty. Sounds like you've got that covered with your workout bag.

FWIW, I keep a workout bag, rings, jump rope and adjustabe dumbells in the car, and sometimes, I still don't motivate after a hectic day. Last week, I didn't trust my motivation (despite my equipment and lovely weather), so I popped into an affiliate to make sure I'd have no choice in the matter.

You don't need to have a KA day. Sometimes just going through the motions gets you over the hump and back into the routine of working out more often than not (a modest goal with which I currently struggle myself).

Unknown said...

the fact that you recognize it means you are going to be ok. We all have those days, or several days, when we feel like doing nothing.

Clear it out and get yourself back.

You will be fine. :)

Ev said...

I hear YBF comes in liquid, gel cap and even suppository form. In a couple of weeks they're even going to offer the sniffable kind. :) I keep hoping for the YBF inhaler ;)