Monday, April 20, 2009

Death by KB, Deadlifts, Helen...Oh my!

Since I've fallen behind on my posting, I have several days' worth of workouts to report on. The good news is that I've been feeling more motivated to work out, especially as the weather gets nicer. I'm still struggling a bit with time, but I put the workout bag in the car and I'm determined to take advantage of whatever time I have.

Thursday, 9 April 09

Buy-in: 3 x handstand holds :35/:29/:20

I can consistently hold a freestanding HS for about 5 - 8 seconds. I am still relying too much on the wall. Need to learn to kick up and hold without it.

WOD: "Death by Kettlebell Swings" Hat Tip: Melissa Byers at Crossfit 603

Do one swing the first minute, two swings the second minute, etc, etc until you cannot do the required number of swings in the minute allowed.

Total - 25 rounds + 15 swings (340 total swings)

All swings were Russian swings with a 1-pood bell. I got all the way through round 23 unbroken. Round 24 was two sets of 12 and Round 25 was 12/8/5. Ran out of gas in the next minute, only getting three sets of 5.

Cash out: 30 pushups on dumbells, extended ROM.
Pigeon pose, 1:00 ea side

Monday, 13 April 09

Buy-in: BTB squats, 3 x 8 @ 65#

WOD: Deadlifts 3 x 5
  • Warmup sets: 5 x 95#, 5 x 115#, 3 x 135#
  • Work sets: 3 x 5 @ 148# (80%)
Cash out: Shower and dress for time - 8:52

Friday, 17 April 09

Buy-in: 2 rounds
10 air squats
10 situps
10 pushups
5 MB cleans (20#)
10 supermans

WOD: "Helen"

3 rounds for time of:
400m run
21 KB swings (1 pood)
12 pullups

Time - 11:50 (PR) (3:26/3:56/4:26)

My last Helen time was 13:37, back on 21 Nov 08. PR by 1:47! Plus, this Helen was Rx'd - last time I did it with a 25# DB. So while it's still not quite to the Level II benchmark, I'm still very pleased with this effort. All the KB swings were unbroken, but I could never string together more than 4 pullups in a row. So pullups and run times are going to have to be better to get any significant time drops.

Cash out: Soccer drills with KAD (which mostly involved me standing in the goal while she took shots at me)

Saturday, 18 April 09

Buy-in: 4 x handstand holds - did not time these, but concentrated on trying to do them freestanding. Actually walked around the living room a bit while trying to keep my balance.

WOD: Living Room Special

Goblet squats (25#)
KB swings (25#)

Time - 4:43

Still hurtin' from yesterday's Helen. Managed to get all squats and swings done unbroken, but never got more than 10 straight pushups.

Cash out: 30 hollow rocks

Whew! Need to be better about posting daily.

1 comment:

Ev said...

You've been busy! Strong work all around, Jenn :) And a big high-five on your Helen PR. That's quite an improvement! One last thing: I'm jealous of your handstands!