Thursday, April 30, 2009

Maybe I'll get into the Zone

My diet is terrible, at least compared to that of most Crossfitters. I don't Paleo (still a bit extreme for me) and I don't do Zone (has always seemed a bit too OCD for me). My biggest concessions to watching my diet tend to be cutting back on processed foods, and becoming aware of the fact that I probably eat too much sugar and too many starchy carbs.

I've seen Dr. Sears' Zone diet book a number of times in the bookstore, but have never really felt compelled to pick it up. But today, Hubby and I went to the used book fair over at LJVM Coliseum, and I saw it in a box in the Diet and Health section. Two bucks. I thought, "What the hell, I'll get a copy - it couldn't hurt."

The book is still sitting in the bag. I've been looking at it all evening, but haven't been able to bring myself to open it. I finally realized why: I'm too flippin' lazy to deal with my diet, and I'm afraid the book will make me want to deal with my diet. I don't want guilt about the crap that I eat; I want to enjoy that bag of Utz Crab Chips without a little nag in the back of my head saying "You know, you really shouldn't eat that shit." Right now, my response to the voice is "STFU, I'd like a little peace with my beer."

So. The book taunts me. But it's a book, which means I will eventually give in and take it out of the bag. It looks new. The previous owner probably decided that being morbidly obese was preferable to trying the Zone. But we'll see.

Wednesday 29 April 09:

Buy-in: 2 rounds
BTB squats, 5 x 45#
Presses, 5 x 35#
Good mornings, 5 x 35#
2 reps Bear complex, 35#

WOD: Presses and Deadlifts

Presses 7 x 1

Warmup sets:
  • 5 x 45#
  • 3 x 55 #
Work sets:
  • 1 x 65#
  • 1 x 75# (f)
  • 1 x 70#
  • 1 x 75# (PR)
  • 1 x 77.5# (f)
  • 1 x 75#
  • 1 x 75#
I got pissed when I missed my first try at 75#. I dropped to 70# to get my head on straight, then knocked out the 75# with no problem. The failure at 77.5 pissed me off enough to knock out the last two at 75#.

Deadlifts 5 x 3

Warmup sets:
  • 5 x 95#
  • 5 x 115#
  • 5 x 135#
Work sets:
  • 3 x 155#
  • 3 x 157.5
  • 3 x 167.5#
  • 3 x 170#
  • 3 x 170#
Definitely a new 3RM. The half-pound increments came from the retainer rings holding the plates on the bar. Convenient way to add a few pounds at a time. I need to take some video of my DLs, because I'd really like to have some feedback on them.


Patrick Haskell said...

"The previous owner probably decided that being morbidly obese was preferable to trying the Zone."


I hate the Zone. Measuring and weighing long enough to calibrate your eyeball is good, because otherwise it's hard to make sense of what you're doing, but I can do without the anal portion-control work. Logging food and cleaning up in a paleo direction is not so bad though. I find that when I eat clean, my calorie intake pretty much self-regulates (along with my energy levels smoothing out). Also, when you're writing down exactly what you eat, it's much easier to make good choices.

Congrats on the press PR. Those don't come around very often (although, from those 3 reps, it looks like you might have the next one soon).

Jason Struck, CSCS RKC said...

You're always welcome to send something to me for review.

Me likey the deadlift!

Ev said...

If Zone feels like too much work (I'd have to agree, especially with regard to measuring and weighing) you can approximate by eyeballing and decide what you are banning from your diet. I found taking the first step was the hardest part. After that, it's fine tuning to figure out what works for you. Also, it's very good to keep a journal, even if you don't make it public. It helps you figure out what is and isn't working and keeps you honest. Last but not least, we tend to have attachments to food. I certainly do. This makes kicking things like sugar difficult. It's the "Oh, shit, am I really commmitting to this?" and "What will I fill that craving with?" kind of panic. Remember, it's always your choice. I'd be happy to discuss this via email any time.