Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Checking out Central

As a part-time YMCA employee, one of the benefits I enjoy is a free family Metro membership. That means I can use any of the YMCA facilities within the NW NC YMCA area. That's 11 different Y facilities available to me, from Wilkesboro all the way to Kernersville. Most of the time, I only use the West Forsyth branch, because it's five minutes from home, or the Robinhood Road branch, because it's new, uncrowded and pretty close to the office. I've used the Central branch for swimming, but never for anything else until today.

Central's free weight room is small, but well-equipped. I was impressed - 3 power racks, 4 pullup bars, 4 benches and plenty of barbells. I was the only woman in there, but the guys all seemed to be serious lifters focused on strength rather than vanity. And they didn't hog equipment. I may have to go to Central more often.

Buy-in: 3x 10 squats, 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 good mornings

WOD: Squats and bench presses

Back squats 3 x 5

Warmup sets: 1 x 8 x 45#
1 x 5 x 65#
2 x 5 x 95#
1 x 3 x 110#

Work sets: 3 x 5 x 125#

Bench presses 3 x 5

Warmup sets: 1 x 5 x 45#
1 x 5 x 65#
1 x 5 x 75#
1 x 3 x 85#

Work sets: 1 x 5 x 95# (f), 2 x 5 x 90#

Squats seemed harder at 125# this time than they did last time, but that could be due to getting only 5 hours of sleep last night. Epic fail at 95# on the bench - good thing I had a spotter. My shoulder may pay for it later. 90# seemed to easy, but 95# is too heavy. At least it was today.

Cash out: 3 x max rep weighted pullups (10#) - 8/6/5

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