Sunday, January 17, 2010

I actually made a New Year's Resolution!

I usually forego the whole New Year's Resolution deal. Why would you want to make a promise to yourself that you will inevitably end up breaking, and then deal with feeling guilty and disappointed with yourself? Fortunately, I think this resolution should be fairly easy to keep.

I resolve to post my workouts on my blog again.

There. That doesn't seem very hard. We will see.

In keeping with my new resolution, here is my workout from today:

Buy-in: 5:00 rowing

WOD: Power cleans + metcon

Power cleans 3 x 5
Warmup sets:
  • HPCs 2 x 5x 45#
  • 1 x 5 x 65#
  • 1 x 5 x 75#
Work sets: 3 x 5 x 90#

Metcon: For time
Run 400m
15 box jumps (20")
15 DB thrusters (20#)
Run 400m
12 box jumps
12 DB thrusters
Run 400m
9 box jumps
9 DB thrusters

Time - 10:45

Cash out: 20 hanging leg raises

As part of this resolution, I am going to enter all of my other workouts in the log and backdate them. You see, I didn't stop working out or logging my workouts. I just got out of the habit of transferring them to my blog. I realized that going through a notebook to find the last time I did a particular workout or what I deadlifted before was a real pain. It's so much easier to find them when they're tagged.

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