Thursday, January 21, 2010

Deadlift/Metcon Day, and some new confidence

Went to the new YMCA branch on Robinhood Road today. I had checked it out a few days ago - it's in an old Peak Fitness building and has a little bit of a warehouse feel to it, but it will be a nice facility once they finish it up. Of course, it has all the standard cardio/Nautilus/Cybex machines, but little in the way of free weights (other than benches, of course). No power rack, just a Smith machine. But it did have Oly bars on the benches and plenty of plates and - most importantly - very few people. I'm sure that will change over time, but for now I'll enjoy it.

I was going to do this particular workout yesterday, but since most of my day was spent deadlifting and palletizing surplus tech equipment, I decided it could wait.

Buy-in: Burgener warmup x 2

WOD: Deadlifts + Metcon

Deadlifts 1 x 5

Warm-up sets: 1 x 8 x 45 RDL
1 x 5 x 95#
1 x 5 x 115#
1 x 5 x 135#
1 x 3 x 155#

Work set: 1 x 5 x 175#

Metcon: Bear Complex AMRAP 10:00
1 round = 7 reps of deadlift, hang power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press. Do not take your hands off the bar during the round.

Rounds - 3 rounds + 3 reps

I did my work set at 175# for one reason only: the new Y has no plates lighter than 10#. 155 is too light for a work set, and the next jump in weight could be no less than 20#. So I decided "screw it, I'll do 175. If I fail, I fail." Every rep was hard and I wasn't sure I'd get the last one locked out. But damn, I did it. I feel like I'm really making some progress.

Have to work the grip, though. It seemed harder than usual to hold on to the bar today, especially with my left hand. I think part of the problem may have simply been loading the bar. I often find putting 45# plates on a bar that is on the floor to be more difficult than the actual lift - one of the reasons that I like to do deadlifts in a power rack, even if it's not strictly necessary. Having the bar on the pins a couple of feet off the floor makes it so much easier to load.

Of course, finishing up with the Bear Complex fried my grip even more. I love that WOD, though - it's one of my favorites.

Cash out: 20 leg raises, 20 hollow rocks, 40 swiss ball crunches


Rebecca said...

Quick note about loading the bar:

It doesn't work for the first weight, but once you have the first weight on the bar, if you roll each side on top of a 10# weight (laid flat on the floor) it gets the bar up an inch or so which makes loading subsequent weights much easier - particularly if they're the kind of weights that are all the same diameter regardless of the # of pounds.

Jenn said...

Thanks, Rebecca! I'll have to try that.

Ev said...

Holy cow, Jenn. Look at you!!! Great work!