Saturday, August 15, 2009


Looking over my journal for the past week or so, I remember why I got so far behind - not a lot of variety. Mostly focused on the upcoming Ramblin' Rose triathlon, so more swimming/cycling/running. In fact, I think I will pack them all into just a couple of entries instead of doing a spearate one for each workout. I did do one CF WOD during this stretch.

Friday 7 Aug 09


Warmup: 100 easy

Main set:
Maintaining triathlon race pace
3 x 100 free on 2:00 (1:27 - 1:28 - 1:27)
Rest 2:00
2 x 200 on 4:00 (3:01 - 3:02)

Cooldown: easy 100

Saturday 8 Aug 09

Practice triathlon

Swim - 250 yards (3:43)
T1 - 3:13
Bike - 5.05 miles (19:45)
T2 - :36
Run - 1.5K (9:03)

Total time - 36:22

I did this to focus mainly on transitions and to get used to how it feels to go from one event to another.

Sunday 9 Aug 09

Buy-in: 3 rounds
10 squats
10 back extensions
10 pushups

WOD: "Fran"

For time: 21 - 15 - 9
Thrusters (65#)

Time - 9:57

My first Rx'd Fran. I usually scale the weight for thrusters, but thought I could do it as prescribed this time. Happy to get under 10 minutes.

Cash out: Hollow holds, hanging leg raises, situps

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