Friday, November 28, 2008

Time to work off the Thanksgiving binge

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that you were able to spend your day with your loved ones and all those who mean the most to you. We went to Dallas, NC for our annual family gathering, and had a day filled with food, fun, reflection, and a little bit of football.

I was starting to feel a little antsy by today, since I hadn't done anything since Saturday. Sunday was my rest day, but I was ill on Monday and Tuesday (I'm convinced it was food-related, but not sure what), and still wasn't feeling up to par on Wednesday. If any of you people work out on Thanksgiving....well, more power to you!

Anyway, I did manage to drag myself to the Y this morning, where it was not nearly as crowded as I feared it might be.

Warmup: 2 rounds of 10 OHS (with dowel), 10 incline situps, 10 back extensions, 10 pushups.

Buy-in: 1 x 500m row, pulling easy - 2:25

WOD: "Lynne"
5 rounds for max reps of:

BW bench press (subbed 90#)
Pull ups (all deadhang)

  • 5 @ 90#, 12 pullups
  • 5 @ 90#, 9 pullups
  • 4 @ 90#, 9 pullups
  • 4 @ 90#, 8 pullups
  • 4 @ 90#, 7 pullups
Thoughts: Since I can't bench press my body weight (yet), I went with the BrandX scaling and used my 5 RM. Apparently 90# is still my 5 RM, because I absolutely could not get a 6th rep on either of the first two rounds. Pullups were all deadhang, with a neutral grip. Not too bad, really. 12 might be a PR - I'll have to go back and check my notebook.

CFE: Stationary bike - 5K TT
Time - 13:44
Avg speed - 24.7 kph

Thoughts: I'm still feeling out the bike riding. The bikes at the Y don't have a wattage indicator, so I try to set the resistance at a level that will allow me to maintain my desired speed when I'm spinning at about 80 rpm. Still have a lot of work to do on the bike if I'm going to "try a tri" this spring/summer.

Cash-out: Miscellaneous stuff

Frog stands (:20/:25)
Planks (1:00 x 2)
Hollow holds (:25/:30)
Handstand holds - kept one heel on the wall, but did manage about 5 seconds or so of free-standing.

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